Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by lovecacti on March 15, 2006 07:49 AM
are roaches any problem? I know Roach powder keeps them away from my pots, but should I actually use it in dirt? the chemical of Roach Powder is OrthoBoric Acid, or just Boric Acid.
by Longy on March 16, 2006 04:35 AM
I've never had roaches damage a plant. If you put it in your pots, what happens when you water them? I guess you have to re-apply???
Boric acid or boron in small amounts shouldn't be a problem for plants as it is a minor trace element but if you're watering the pots daily then it may get a buildup to toxic levels.
Boric acid was successfully used as an eyewash years ago too. Very mild stuff.
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The secret is the soil.
Boric acid or boron in small amounts shouldn't be a problem for plants as it is a minor trace element but if you're watering the pots daily then it may get a buildup to toxic levels.
Boric acid was successfully used as an eyewash years ago too. Very mild stuff.
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The secret is the soil.
by Buglady on March 16, 2006 01:01 PM
i would let them live.... they are not hurting anything...
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The Buglady
Suzanne Wainwright-Evans,
Educating the world... one bug at a time
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The Buglady
Suzanne Wainwright-Evans,
Educating the world... one bug at a time
by Buglady on March 17, 2006 02:31 AM
Just because I have seen it mentioned a few times that sunlight kills termites i just wanted to let everyone know that thats not exactly true.
Termite nymphs (babies) and workers can not withstand much exposure to the sun, but the reproductives and some soldiers have pigments that allow them to freely roam around exposed to the sun. No termite, whether worker or reproductive would remain exposed in the sun for any long period of time, especially in warmer weather that might raise their body temperature to above 105 degrees F. Once they get above this, they get into to heat death problems. Likewise, being exposed makes them easy targets for predators.
So don't give yourself a false sense of security.
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The Buglady
Suzanne Wainwright-Evans,
Educating the world... one bug at a time
Termite nymphs (babies) and workers can not withstand much exposure to the sun, but the reproductives and some soldiers have pigments that allow them to freely roam around exposed to the sun. No termite, whether worker or reproductive would remain exposed in the sun for any long period of time, especially in warmer weather that might raise their body temperature to above 105 degrees F. Once they get above this, they get into to heat death problems. Likewise, being exposed makes them easy targets for predators.
So don't give yourself a false sense of security.
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The Buglady
Suzanne Wainwright-Evans,
Educating the world... one bug at a time
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