my herb list
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by comfrey on March 30, 2006 03:58 AM
quote:Calendula (pot marigold)is easy to grow, has nice flowers, and the flower petals are very healing to use in salve making and washes. Pennyroyal is of the mint family and easy to grow and is a perennial that comes back each year, it is good for making insect repellant with, among other things. Lemon Balm is very easy to grow and will self seed It is used for flavoring and makes a nice tea, is wonderful in the bath water and has many good uses. There are alot of others, But I suggest all of the above as far as easy to grow and useful.
what are some other handy, all-purpouse medicinal herbs that are good to have around and easy to grow?
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Search The Garden Helper:
kitchen herbs (these are the only ones i actually use enough of to warrant growing them):
medicinal herbs:
German Chamomile
aloe vera
i'm wondering A: what kind of garlic would be the best to grow for both cooking, and medicinal purposes
and B: what are some other handy, all-purpouse medicinal herbs that are good to have around and easy to grow? i live in eastern washington and we have a good hot bright summer. its dry, but i water regularly. the plants would be harvested at the best time of the growing season for that plant, and dried for use over the winter. i can always replant next year if something doesn't survive the winter.