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by LandOfOz on September 25, 2006 12:24 PM
The first concern I'd have is the amount of sun that area gets. With all those lovely trees, it may be a fairly shady area. If it is fairly shaded throughout the day, just look for veggies that need part-sun. Sorry that I can't name any right off the bat!!
A second concern may be that those trees will be sneaking nutrients and water out of your garden. I have several trees near my garden and I'm perpetually digging out thick, red roots out of the top foot of soil. Which isn't a real big problem, just a little time consuming when I dig up the garden in the spring.
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Sarah - Zone 5b/6

A second concern may be that those trees will be sneaking nutrients and water out of your garden. I have several trees near my garden and I'm perpetually digging out thick, red roots out of the top foot of soil. Which isn't a real big problem, just a little time consuming when I dig up the garden in the spring.
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Sarah - Zone 5b/6

by roosterboy on September 25, 2006 08:01 PM
thanks lanofoz the bush's should not be a problem and the trees are far away and the area gets a full day of sun.
the tree in the middle was taken down yesterday. and i dug a bit of soil and wow it's nice it had worms in it and all.
but i will still be making some compost and tilling it in this fall and again this spring.
also what i was thinking of doing is adding a drainage along the bottom of the hill so my garden dose not become a mud pit. i was thinking a six inch wide trench with pipe then filled in with nice stone that will border the garden. dose this sound like a good idea?
thank you
the tree in the middle was taken down yesterday. and i dug a bit of soil and wow it's nice it had worms in it and all.
but i will still be making some compost and tilling it in this fall and again this spring.
also what i was thinking of doing is adding a drainage along the bottom of the hill so my garden dose not become a mud pit. i was thinking a six inch wide trench with pipe then filled in with nice stone that will border the garden. dose this sound like a good idea?
thank you
by johnCT on September 25, 2006 08:59 PM
The drainage system you describe sounds like a good idea and will go a long way in helping the situation Jason.
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John - Zone 6
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John - Zone 6
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i would like to start my own vegetable garden and grow lots of peppers, radish, cucumbers, potato's and more.
here is a look at where i plan to put the garden can some one tell me if this looks like an okay place its at the bottom of a hill but i don't have another spot that would work.
the tree was just taken down today and would like to remove the grass and put it into a new compost pile that i am starting. any tips and help would be appreciated
thank you