black bottom on tomatoes
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by babies3 on July 11, 2006 08:25 AM
What is happening to my tomatoes, they are getting a black bottom on them? Help!!!
by johnCT on July 11, 2006 08:43 AM
Welcome. It is called Blossom End Rot. Very common on early fruit is is most commonly caused by inconsistent watering.
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John - Zone 6
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John - Zone 6
by LandOfOz on July 12, 2006 07:13 AM
BER is the bane of my exsistance!! It effects paste tomatoes really badly and slicing tomatoes not as badly. It is caused by not enough calcium in the fruit. It may have nothing to do with the amount of calcium in the soil, as tests have shown that when a plant is hot (thereby stressed) there is large amounts of calcium in the stem of the tomato plant and leaves just not in the fruit itself. Here is a link that you might find helpful. Blossom End Rot
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Sarah - Zone 5b/6

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Sarah - Zone 5b/6

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