Time to plant more carrots and broccoli!!
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by johnCT on July 08, 2006 12:27 AM
This thread actually reminded me to put in a second crop of carrots this weekend. Gonna do some more broccoli and lettuce too. Thanks.
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John - Zone 6
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John - Zone 6
by woodchuck on July 08, 2006 02:03 AM
Same here, lettuce, broc, carrots, peas, cauliflower, and anything else that I have leftover seeds of. There's even corn growing near my strawberries, must be from a plant that was tilled in last year.
by 'Sparagus on July 08, 2006 02:46 AM
I have to check the almanac, for the "moon favorable" dates for this stuff. Translation: it might buy me some time because I dont feel like planting everything today!
by woodchuck on July 08, 2006 02:07 PM
Well, I planted too much stuff today, broccoli,carrots,lettuce, beets, eggplant, radishes. The almanac said july 6-7 good for planting ABOVE ground, got too anxious, july 10-11 are good for BELOW ground,
. Will do better at reading next year I hope.
by daygotee71 on July 09, 2006 05:25 PM
My daughter received a "Cabbage plant" in a cup in march from school. (3rd grade project) Well we were taking care of it, till it was warm to put outside (we had transplanted it right away to a pot). Well anyways as this thing is growing these big leaves, i'm thinking ok, when is the head of this cabbage going to grow ?(being i'm no gardener or knowledge of gardening)come to find out its broccoli. LMAO. Now all it keeps doing is just growing more leaves but still no heads of broccoli. Any ideas or suggestions from anyone pleaseeeeeeee?
From a Have no clue what i'm doing gardener. LOL
From a Have no clue what i'm doing gardener. LOL
by Deborah L. on July 09, 2006 05:30 PM
'Sparagus, you mean pull the carrots in the spring after they were under snow?
Your own outdoor fridge !
I wonder what the texture of the carrots would be and if they got sweeter over the winter?
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Your own outdoor fridge !
I wonder what the texture of the carrots would be and if they got sweeter over the winter?
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by Deborah L. on July 09, 2006 05:32 PM
Yep, 'Sparagus, I'm so bored with my lone yellow pear tomato.
I rather wish it would do its thing so I can rip it up and do peas and stuff.
I know exactly what you mean !
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I rather wish it would do its thing so I can rip it up and do peas and stuff.
I know exactly what you mean !
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by Deborah L. on July 09, 2006 05:35 PM
Wood, radishes now? I thought they are a cool weather crop.
That's why I'm waiting. You mean I can plant some now?
It's awfully hot here this month. Already I'm practically counting the minutes until fall.
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That's why I'm waiting. You mean I can plant some now?
It's awfully hot here this month. Already I'm practically counting the minutes until fall.
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by woodchuck on July 10, 2006 03:57 AM
I think we may have had our last night in the 50's, but still in the low 60's, I started some radishes in June and they are doing okay, in the shade of other plants. I would think CA will be a little too warm for a while.
When this stuff starts to pop with any vigor, there will be pics, to be sure.
When this stuff starts to pop with any vigor, there will be pics, to be sure.
by 'Sparagus on July 10, 2006 04:36 AM
Hi! Deborah, my one gardening book says to just leave them in the ground, and use them throughout the winter! That is super neat. I hope the cold makes them sweeter, Im not too impressed with how mine have tasted so far. Could be a soil prob.
Im going to wait on radishes and peas. And I STILL havent planted the new broccolis or carrots....or turnips! Just got a packet of those, thought they might be fun!
Here's where Im going to be planting, and the harvested broccoli plants, which I may leave to grow for a bit afterall, because side shoots are forming! Ill leave them at least untill the new brocs are big enough to take their place.

Im going to wait on radishes and peas. And I STILL havent planted the new broccolis or carrots....or turnips! Just got a packet of those, thought they might be fun!
Here's where Im going to be planting, and the harvested broccoli plants, which I may leave to grow for a bit afterall, because side shoots are forming! Ill leave them at least untill the new brocs are big enough to take their place.

by Deborah L. on July 10, 2006 05:50 AM
That looks awesome !
Turnips are good raw in salad. That's the only way I use them.
Woodchuck, oh, OK, I didn't realize it's so much cooler there.
California mentality....![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
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Turnips are good raw in salad. That's the only way I use them.
Woodchuck, oh, OK, I didn't realize it's so much cooler there.
California mentality....
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
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by Bestofour on July 10, 2006 06:20 AM
Search The Garden Helper:
Im giving up on the idea of getting side shoots on my broccoli plants, and they are going to compost land, and Im going to direct seed another bunch of 5.
Carrots, well I was just having too much fun pulling up a few, and I ended up pulling up all of them so Ive got two areas that I can replant. Im hoping to leave these in the ground for winter use!! Just LOVE the idea of doing that.
It's gonna be nice getting some beds ready and planting again. Im sick of watching it all grow and grow and grow.....Anyone else?