Umm.. creeepy much? What is this?
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by MaryReboakly on July 10, 2005 10:58 AM
EWWWWWWWWWW! Egads! How big was it?! If it's rat-sized, I'd suggest relocating immediately ![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
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![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
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by loz on July 10, 2005 12:02 PM
Meg....that is really creepy looking!! This is a case for buglady.....
Oh Buglady, where are you??????
Oh Buglady, where are you??????
by weezie13 on July 10, 2005 12:41 PM
How big is it really Meg?
Should put a penny or something to
identify size.....
Did you save the bug?
Or is it still running around your house,
as we speak????
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
Should put a penny or something to
identify size.....
Did you save the bug?
Or is it still running around your house,
as we speak????
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
by Meg on July 10, 2005 12:53 PM
Weezie, it was on the front porch, and I didn't think to grab anything to put next to it for size.. but it was probably close to the size of a penny. Skinnier than a penny, but lengthwise, it coulda been close to that big. I didn't do anything with it, except take the picture. I didn't want to kill it, just in case it was actutally a good guy. I didn't realize it had those pinching looking jaws or whatever they are, until I was looking at the closeups I took of it.
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by weezie13 on July 10, 2005 12:59 PM
I have something like that that's in my
compost pile every so often, but they
just scamper away...
I have never see one chomping on anything,
but I am not 100% sure...
I wonder if Loz PM'd the Suzanne???
I'll have to go ask????![[dunno]](im/graemlins/dunno.gif)
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
compost pile every so often, but they
just scamper away...
I have never see one chomping on anything,
but I am not 100% sure...
I wonder if Loz PM'd the Suzanne???
I'll have to go ask????
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
by weezie13 on July 10, 2005 01:02 PM
, not carring a penny
around with you for those spur of the moment shots
, keep a penny duct~taped to your forehead
for future shotz will ya ?
*Peaks out from behind computer chair,
makin' sure coast is clear*
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
quote:and wha'ts wrong with you
and I didn't think to grab anything to put next to it for size..
![[Roll Eyes]](im/rolleyes.gif)
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
*Peaks out from behind computer chair,
makin' sure coast is clear*
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
by Meg on July 10, 2005 01:08 PM
LOL Weezie!! Ya know, I likely had some change laying around on the table near the camera when I grabbed it.. I just didn't think to put it down. Buggy was on the move, & I didn't want to get *that close* to it! ![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
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![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
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by weezie13 on July 10, 2005 01:59 PM
Here's a picture of the only beetle I
could think of...
Big-headed Ground Beetle
or this one,
Big-headed Ground Beetles
Does it look the same?
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
could think of...
Big-headed Ground Beetle
or this one,
Big-headed Ground Beetles
Does it look the same?
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
by Meg on July 10, 2005 07:43 PM
Hey Weezie, those links were great! I think it very well coulda been the bigheaded ground beetle. Glad I didn't squish it, it's considered beneficial, eating bad guy bugs. But, it also says, not to handle them, they can really pinch with thier mandibles, and emit a noxious odor for a defense.
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I reject your reality, and substitue my own!
My favorite digital camera photos that I took.
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by RugbyHukr on July 12, 2005 12:30 AM
She's right. It is a ground beetle. And, they are friends.
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I love the sweet scents wafting in the breeze. I stop to admire the vibrant colors of all living things. And people think me odd. Then ODD I am!!!
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I love the sweet scents wafting in the breeze. I stop to admire the vibrant colors of all living things. And people think me odd. Then ODD I am!!!
by atreus on July 12, 2005 05:48 AM
Hi to all Gardening Gods
I am pretty new to gardening, but already I have had a run in with the Black Vine Weevil, but if I found that thing in my garden I would never leave the house again! LOL
UK here, nothing that nasty![[Smile]](im/smile.gif)
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I am pretty new to gardening, but already I have had a run in with the Black Vine Weevil, but if I found that thing in my garden I would never leave the house again! LOL
UK here, nothing that nasty
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by weezie13 on July 12, 2005 06:05 AM
Hey Atreus.
It's a good bug, but not nearly
the size it betray's......
If you put a penny down next to it,
the penny would be bigger and wider...
so, it's an okay bug...
I see them alot here, more scared of us
than we are of them... and they do good stuff
in the garden, and don't harm what we're growin'...
Glad to have you here.!!
We have several members from your area...
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
It's a good bug, but not nearly
the size it betray's......
If you put a penny down next to it,
the penny would be bigger and wider...
so, it's an okay bug...
I see them alot here, more scared of us
than we are of them... and they do good stuff
in the garden, and don't harm what we're growin'...
Glad to have you here.!!
We have several members from your area...
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
by BFVISION on July 24, 2005 07:17 AM
Are you sure thats not a mole cricket? It sure is ugly. Good thing its small
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by weezie13 on July 24, 2005 09:33 AM
quote:I took a peak, the body, or end part didn't
Are you sure thats not a mole cricket?
quite look the same in the pictures....
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
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