Pear Tree
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by Triss on April 12, 2006 10:57 AM
I have seen multi variety pears and apple trees in garden catalogs so you just may have one there.
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We are all under the same stars... therefore we are never far apart.
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We are all under the same stars... therefore we are never far apart.
by DeepCreekLake on April 13, 2006 08:10 AM
Its very possible, I just planted a pear tree with 4 different kinds of pears grafted onto it. Usally you can tell down where the branches are grafted to the rootstock- will be a fat swollen area for each branch. On a single grafted pear there is on swollen area and the whole tree emerges from there! I have seen 5x1 pear trees offered from a few nursery catalogs. Did the tree tag state what kind of pears are on there?
by ktownmom on April 14, 2006 12:48 AM
Yes there are:
Red Bartlett
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Red Bartlett
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by DeepCreekLake on April 14, 2006 07:25 AM
Those are all good eating pears. Bartletts wont pollinize Seckels, but one of the other probably will!
by Deborah L. on April 14, 2006 07:32 AM
How neat-a pear tree with different varieties of pears on one tree !
I've always wanted to plant a lemon tree and an orange tree in the same planting hole-it would look like both fruits on one tree.
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I've always wanted to plant a lemon tree and an orange tree in the same planting hole-it would look like both fruits on one tree.
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by DeepCreekLake on April 15, 2006 09:21 AM
Besure to train/prune that tree to an open center/vase - not central leader type tree which is common on most pear trees. My growing instructions that came with my multigrafted pear tree tells you, you need to balance out the growth so that one type of pear on the tree dosnt overtake it. They also recommend using limb spreaders to spread the branch more outward, and to take out branches that grows towards the center. Ideally you want the branches of each type of pear the same length.
Besure to train/prune that tree to an open center/vase - not central leader type tree which is common on most pear trees. My growing instructions that came with my multigrafted pear tree tells you, you need to balance out the growth so that one type of pear on the tree dosnt overtake it. They also recommend using limb spreaders to spread the branch more outward, and to take out branches that grows towards the center. Ideally you want the branches of each type of pear the same length.
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