border bed
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2005
by deb789 on March 11, 2005 08:54 AM
I want to build a border bed but dont know what to use. How do you make a circular circle? I want to know how those lanscapes companies do it like putting plants in buildings. How much grass to cut? What soil to use for your plants? What tool to use to cut the grass and make it weed free? Zone 8b.
by Longy on March 11, 2005 01:09 PM
Originally posted by deb789:
I want to build a border bed but dont know what to use. How do you make a circular circle?
To make a circle, bang a tent peg into the soil at the middle of where you want the circle to be. Make sure it's firmly in the ground. Take a piece of string that won't stretch, or rope or whatever. Decide how big you want the circle to be. Say 10 feet for example. Divide that by 2. Equals 5 feet. Make a loop in the piece of string and put it over the peg. Measure five feet, on the string and mark it. Tie the marked end of the string to another peg and make walk around keeping the string tight. Mark the ground as you go with the second peg. You'll end up with a 10 foot diameter perfect circle. Make sure the string doesn't wrap around the centre peg. It must slide around it.
by Longy on March 11, 2005 01:43 PM
How much grass to cut?
Are you asking how short/long to cut your lawn? I reckon about 3cm. (1-1 1/2"). Longer rather than shorter. It will out compete weeds that way and reduce moisture loss.
What soil to use for your plants?
Depends what you're trying to grow, but a good organic mix and/or compost is a great place to start.
Are you asking how short/long to cut your lawn? I reckon about 3cm. (1-1 1/2"). Longer rather than shorter. It will out compete weeds that way and reduce moisture loss.
What soil to use for your plants?
Depends what you're trying to grow, but a good organic mix and/or compost is a great place to start.
by Longy on March 11, 2005 03:49 PM
How much grass to cut?
Are you asking how short/long to cut your lawn? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Boy am i dumb. I just re-read your post and realise you mean removing the grass to build the bed. OK. I'll try again.
If you've marked out the circle, and as you'll be doing it on grass, a marker paint will work good at the end of the string, Mow the area inside the circle really short. I mean scalp it. Then water it well. Are you going to build a border, like with stones or something?? Anyway, put down a sprinkle of pelletised chicken manure. About a handful to the square yard. Put down over this a 10 pages thick layer of newspaper, don't leave any gaps. This will kill the grass, then cover it all with good quality organic soil/ compost. About 4- 6 inches deep. Then mulch over the lot with a mulch such as spoiled meadow hay, sheep poo or similar. Make it six inches thick. Now, you've got the bed, but it still aint quite ready. The soil below the newspaper is going to start to boil with new life. It'll feed on the decaying grass and the chook poo will feed the cycle. You'll end up with a deeper, richer soil and you won't need to dig it over even at planting time. Just make a hole where you want the plant to go and turn it over. The earthworms will do the rest of the digging for you.
For an excellent soil breaker, buy some seed potatoes and place them on top of the newspaper before burying them in the compost. They'll help to condition the soil and you get a crop of spuds as a bonus. It'll be late spring by the time this bed is ready to plant with annuals or perrenials but when you do it's gonna be a cracker.
If you aren't planning on a stone border, between mowing the grass and laying the newspaper, go around the circle cutting a V shaped trench with a sharp spade about 3 inches deep to define the edge of the garden. That'll make it tidy and prevent the grass from growing into it. Hope this is what you're looking for.
Are you asking how short/long to cut your lawn? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Boy am i dumb. I just re-read your post and realise you mean removing the grass to build the bed. OK. I'll try again.
If you've marked out the circle, and as you'll be doing it on grass, a marker paint will work good at the end of the string, Mow the area inside the circle really short. I mean scalp it. Then water it well. Are you going to build a border, like with stones or something?? Anyway, put down a sprinkle of pelletised chicken manure. About a handful to the square yard. Put down over this a 10 pages thick layer of newspaper, don't leave any gaps. This will kill the grass, then cover it all with good quality organic soil/ compost. About 4- 6 inches deep. Then mulch over the lot with a mulch such as spoiled meadow hay, sheep poo or similar. Make it six inches thick. Now, you've got the bed, but it still aint quite ready. The soil below the newspaper is going to start to boil with new life. It'll feed on the decaying grass and the chook poo will feed the cycle. You'll end up with a deeper, richer soil and you won't need to dig it over even at planting time. Just make a hole where you want the plant to go and turn it over. The earthworms will do the rest of the digging for you.
For an excellent soil breaker, buy some seed potatoes and place them on top of the newspaper before burying them in the compost. They'll help to condition the soil and you get a crop of spuds as a bonus. It'll be late spring by the time this bed is ready to plant with annuals or perrenials but when you do it's gonna be a cracker.
If you aren't planning on a stone border, between mowing the grass and laying the newspaper, go around the circle cutting a V shaped trench with a sharp spade about 3 inches deep to define the edge of the garden. That'll make it tidy and prevent the grass from growing into it. Hope this is what you're looking for.
by BFVISION on March 27, 2005 02:42 PM
...put down a sprinkle of pelletised chicken manure
I have never heard of this. Where would I get this from?
It sounds like a simple idea. If the chicken stuff isnt available, do you have any other suggestions
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