Yikes! Help with Shasta Daisies
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by Tomacco on September 24, 2006 08:14 AM
Sounds like spit bugs to me. But I could be wrong ![[Smile]](im/smile.gif)
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That coffee was so strong, it swallowed the cream...
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That coffee was so strong, it swallowed the cream...
by Patty S on September 24, 2006 08:21 AM
Sounds like Spittle bugs to me... I get those darned things every spring, until things dry out around here. I know that you can kill them with strong doses of Sevin, although I hate to use that stuff.
Since they get on ANYTHING GREEN (& especially like my Strawberries & my 70 foot Iris row), it's easier to wash them off with the heavy spray setting on the hose nozzle. Some of them come back, but I keep doing it a few times a day till they're gone (usually not more than a couple weeks). They can't live without being inside that mass of bubbles they make, because they dry out real fast & die.
Other than the Cucumber Beatle, Spittle bugs are just about the only insect I have more than my share of!
Good luck with your Daisies!
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Since they get on ANYTHING GREEN (& especially like my Strawberries & my 70 foot Iris row), it's easier to wash them off with the heavy spray setting on the hose nozzle. Some of them come back, but I keep doing it a few times a day till they're gone (usually not more than a couple weeks). They can't live without being inside that mass of bubbles they make, because they dry out real fast & die.
Other than the Cucumber Beatle, Spittle bugs are just about the only insect I have more than my share of!
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by gailo on September 24, 2006 08:58 AM
Thanks for the info. It is funny, I came into the house and told my husband there was something on my daisies that looked like spit, but I didn't want to be too crude and describe it to you all like that.
I will keep washing them off the plants if that is all it takes. Thanks again.
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by gailo on September 25, 2006 10:27 PM
I found some more of the spit bugs on my rosemary. I hope we have a cold winter.
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