Snakes, Help!!!
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by Dixie Angel on September 06, 2006 02:17 AM
Hey, Teresa!
I have heard that spreading sulfur around in the yard will deter snakes. I haven't tried it yet, though...
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I have heard that spreading sulfur around in the yard will deter snakes. I haven't tried it yet, though...
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by ND farm girl on September 06, 2006 02:25 AM
I live on a farm, we are on a sandy hill, when we first moved here, we had gardener snakes like crazy!
I mean, really bad! I never would go work in the yard because of this. I finally had enough
of chasing them down with the lawn mower
and called the pest guy who takes care of the farm building for mice and such, and he said some people say it works, some people say it doesn't. I tried it, and for the past 3 years, I have yet to see a snake in our yard!!! It's called Snake-A-Way. I bought it from our pest guy. I then just bought some from Fleet Farm - kind of an agricultural store with gardening stuff, lumber, etc. I wonder if maybe Lowes or Home Depot would have it. Or check it on Google, should be able to find it. It smells and looks like crushed up mothballs, which is what it is really, plus something else. In the spring I go and sprinkle it around the house and yard and at first I would sprinkle it down any holes I saw in the yard. I started out with close to the house and every few days sprinkled a little further out - so as to not keep them in, but to scatter them OUT from the house, make sense? After a heavy rain, I will go and sprinkler around the edge of the yard area. Then, again in the fall. Come spring - I do this again. I used to hate it when spring came because I could hear the snakes under the deck!
It was so icky! Now - I am finally enjoying my yard!!!
It really does work! Until you can find some of this where you are...oh my - I just looked, Portugal?? Try sprinkling some mothballs where you have seen them - I saw this on the animal channel the other day.
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I live on a farm, we are on a sandy hill, when we first moved here, we had gardener snakes like crazy!
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by tppc on September 06, 2006 03:13 AM
Tks farm girl, i really mean it
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by ND farm girl on September 06, 2006 03:44 AM
I'm not kidding when I say I had a major problem and now I have NONE! I think last year I saw one in my yard, then I ran to the garage and got the Snake-Away and sprinkled it around and GONE! I think it was after a rain and I hadn't sprinkled any for quite a while. Really really works! Try the mothballs too.
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by tppc on September 06, 2006 04:33 AM
I gona try farm girl, I gona see in google and try to find it in google, because I didn't findit in Portugal ![[dunno]](im/graemlins/dunno.gif)
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by ND farm girl on September 06, 2006 06:34 AM
Until you find it, throw some mothballs around.
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by ND farm girl on September 06, 2006 06:38 AM
Here you go. I use the white with red label, looks like there are a lot to choose from.
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Here you go. I use the white with red label, looks like there are a lot to choose from.
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by njoynit on September 07, 2006 10:54 AM
they won't crawl over sharp stuff like broke glass.I toss all my beer bottles in back woods behind fence& other broke glass.I try to leave rat snakes,garder snakes& my old buddy slick the blue stripped western ribbon snake alone.They actually eat other snakes.Now timber rattlers,black mossicans& copperheads& cotton mouths.they get shot,shoveled,hoed,loppered.I'm 18 miles from hosipital.I live in the boonys.After seeing the speed the hospital preformed when wasp stung....that i'm allergic too.........and my whole face& forhead swell up while they discussed the dosage.........I'll kill the posionous ones& all others better earn their keep.I live in the woods so their to be expected& I see them coral snakes alot when fishing.prety...but very bad boys.
good luck
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I will age ungracefully until I become an old woman in a small garden..doing whatever the Hell I want!
good luck
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I will age ungracefully until I become an old woman in a small garden..doing whatever the Hell I want!
by tppc on September 10, 2006 07:07 AM
Tks for the page farm girl, it's very helpful.
njoinit, tks too.
I'll sleep better now.
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njoinit, tks too.
I'll sleep better now.
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Search The Garden Helper:
I think is not the right topic to this problem, but...
I have a little garden with grass, in the past 15 days, I, better, my cat, catch 3 snakes, inside of garden's door, I don't think they are dangerous, but I have a baby and don't want them inside my house.
I think they come for the fresh of the grass and keep going for the fresh of the house.
Any suggestion to get ride of that???
I really need help on this.
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