2006 Garden Tour Fargo-Moorhead
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by ND farm girl on August 28, 2006 04:34 AM
I don't know why the garden tour pictures downloaded so dark - the actual pictures turned out great. Sorry!
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by Triss on August 28, 2006 05:23 AM
Those pics turned out great. WOW on the flood line.
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We are all under the same stars... therefore we are never far apart.
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We are all under the same stars... therefore we are never far apart.
by ND farm girl on August 28, 2006 05:51 AM
Yes - the flood of 96/97 was awful. We live 50 miles from Fargo out in the country - I was pregnant with my first son, there was the flood, then there was the ice storm that brought down hundred of electricity poles all over the state and we had no power for 3 nights and 4 days! We made soup and grilled cheese and hot chocolate on our wood stove in the basement and slept in front of the fireplace on the main floor and listened to the radio! The first night was kind of 'fun' - no power, just the fireplace and played cards, then the next day - it was terrible. Fargo was an 'island'. Unreal. Seeing that tree mark, unbelievable!
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by Triss on August 28, 2006 06:19 AM
I bet. Flooding is a very scary thing to be involved in.
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We are all under the same stars... therefore we are never far apart.
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We are all under the same stars... therefore we are never far apart.
by slredmond on August 29, 2006 12:09 AM
WHOA on the flood line! I just can't imagine water that high.
Thanks for sharing your pics. Aren't those tours great! There such a great way to get ideas and see other people's creativity.
PS - cute kid!
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Sandy R.
Thanks for sharing your pics. Aren't those tours great! There such a great way to get ideas and see other people's creativity.
PS - cute kid!
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Sandy R.
by dodge on August 29, 2006 01:10 PM
Was that your farm in the photo taken in the air?
You must be a rich farmer.......
Very nice..
We been to your state.
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''''Those who live in the Lord Never See Each Other For The Last Time!''''
Was that your farm in the photo taken in the air?
You must be a rich farmer.......
Very nice..
We been to your state.
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''''Those who live in the Lord Never See Each Other For The Last Time!''''
by ND farm girl on August 29, 2006 02:24 PM
Rich farmer? Hardly. We farm about 1800 acres - and we are considered a small farmer around here. It's just us - my husband and I and the boys - no hired men, but we do 'buddy up' with a friend of ours during harvest who does have a hired man or 2, so we have 2 combines and more trucks, etc. going.
But yes, it was taken from the air. The farms had their pic's taken last month for a 125th town anniversary next summer for a book being printed. My husband does have a plane - he and a few other guys have a flying club.
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But yes, it was taken from the air. The farms had their pic's taken last month for a 125th town anniversary next summer for a book being printed. My husband does have a plane - he and a few other guys have a flying club.
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by Triss on August 29, 2006 04:29 PM
That is a lot of land to farm, just the two of you. What do you grow?
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We are all under the same stars... therefore we are never far apart.
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We are all under the same stars... therefore we are never far apart.
by ND farm girl on August 29, 2006 11:28 PM
Soybeans, corn, and sunflowers.
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by dodge on August 30, 2006 03:16 AM
We visited Jameston,N.D. about 5 years ago.. A fellow my man was in the air force with.. He farmed 1600, acres and went under.......Huge buildings .. and small house.. Ha
Had a cottonwood treee in his yard blowing all over..He was a nice man to talk to.
We are fond of the west..Love to look at the corn..Been out there 10 times now.
Did you ever go up to south dakota to see the Terry Redlin Museum or concerts? We was there to see the Mannheim Steamrollers and Chip Davis free show........Beautiful.
What will the book of farms cost when they make them?
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''''Those who live in the Lord Never See Each Other For The Last Time!''''
We visited Jameston,N.D. about 5 years ago.. A fellow my man was in the air force with.. He farmed 1600, acres and went under.......Huge buildings .. and small house.. Ha
Had a cottonwood treee in his yard blowing all over..He was a nice man to talk to.
We are fond of the west..Love to look at the corn..Been out there 10 times now.
Did you ever go up to south dakota to see the Terry Redlin Museum or concerts? We was there to see the Mannheim Steamrollers and Chip Davis free show........Beautiful.
What will the book of farms cost when they make them?
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''''Those who live in the Lord Never See Each Other For The Last Time!''''
Search The Garden Helper:
PS - The picture of the cute boy is my Brady, and there is a picture of the 2 of us in there also.
There is one picture of me way in the background by a BIG TREE - up in the fork of the tree is a sign that says '96 crest. That is where the crest was from the river way in the background was during a major flood. Unreal.
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