Carolina Jessamine isn't blooming
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by Dixie Angel on April 15, 2005 03:07 PM
Welcome to the forum, lovetogarden! I'm not sure when the blooming period is but I did want to tell you "hello". I am sure someone will come along later that will be able to answer your question about the Carolina Jessamine. All I know is that they are blooming around here right now.
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by Jiffymouse on April 17, 2005 06:17 AM
it really depends on how far north allen texas is. the jessamine is about done here, but diana is farther north than i am. check with your local nursery.
also, sometimes, mine doesn't bloom as well whent he weather is weird
also, sometimes, mine doesn't bloom as well whent he weather is weird
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And this is supposed to be the "easiest plant to grow".. I want to cry (tears flowing). What am I doing wrong?