Day Lilly Demise
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by mom54 on July 23, 2006 01:35 AM
It won't hurt to divide them. I do mine every 3 years or so. Wait until the cooler weather to do it. They are pretty tough plants, so you shouldn't have any problems. You'll be surprised at how much that will help them........Mom
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by debnoel on July 24, 2006 08:44 AM
Hi Kobby, I am in upstate NY and I divided mine last fall and just quickly planted them in an empty bed for the winter and they all survived and are blooming beautifully. I dug up the large clumps and divided them into smaller clumps with 2-3 fans. I just cut through the large clump with a very sturdy sharp knife. They are pretty easy to divide and hardy too. Good luck!
by gardenfairy on July 24, 2006 08:49 AM
Hi Nobby, I have had 5 daylilly plants for 7 years, I divide them about once every 3 years, I have lots and lots now, it is best to do them in the fall.
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"Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away."

God gave us memories so we can have roses in the winter.
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"Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away."

God gave us memories so we can have roses in the winter.
by Nobby on July 31, 2006 11:41 PM
Thank so much for the advice, I'll start dividing as soon as the heat dies down a little. Day lilies anyone?!!!
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'There are no problems, only solutions"
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'There are no problems, only solutions"
by daylily77 on August 01, 2006 07:38 AM
Another thing you're supposed to do with Daylilies is remove the pods. Otherwise the plant uses lots of energy and resources to grow the seed pods. You might already know this but I'm just making sure! P.S. If you have any pods that are a little brown and cracked, may I have the black seeds from inside them?? Here's a pic of a ripe one: I'd love to plant some! What type or color of daylilies do you have?
by Nobby on August 20, 2006 10:17 PM
Sorry I didn't reply sooner. I've been away from home and easy computer access. The daylilies are very common in this area, CT, and have tall orange flowers.
No, I didn't know that they should be removed and although I clear the beds in the autumn I'm not sure if I was too late!
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'There are no problems, only solutions"
No, I didn't know that they should be removed and although I clear the beds in the autumn I'm not sure if I was too late!
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'There are no problems, only solutions"
by joclyn on August 21, 2006 08:17 AM
generally, they should be split out every few years - splitting them out will encourage more blooms.
daylily77: your pic doesn't show. i have some pods left (i didn't cut all the stems off) if i can get seeds for you, i'll send them. also, netwiz has tons she's looking to get rid of...i have a bunch of bulbs/tubers now that i'm going to give to a friend, i could send you a handful...just pm me with your address. oh, they're orange.
daylily77: your pic doesn't show. i have some pods left (i didn't cut all the stems off) if i can get seeds for you, i'll send them. also, netwiz has tons she's looking to get rid of...i have a bunch of bulbs/tubers now that i'm going to give to a friend, i could send you a handful...just pm me with your address. oh, they're orange.
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'There are no problems, only solutions"