I have unhappy Fuscia's.
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by melcon6 on July 22, 2006 01:11 AM
Have you put any fertilizer to them??? They are so heavily fertilized when they are greenhouse-raised that you really have to keep it up once you get them home. What variety is it? Is there a tag??
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by murphyette on July 22, 2006 04:42 AM
quote:There is a tag, but ti is useless. No info at all except that it is a Fuschia. I have fertalized them quite a few times now. Maybe they just aren't getting enough sun? Would they do better hanging under a tree, maybe?
Originally posted by melcon6:
Have you put any fertilizer to them??? They are so heavily fertilized when they are greenhouse-raised that you really have to keep it up once you get them home. What variety is it? Is there a tag??
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by alankhart on July 22, 2006 10:32 AM
Fuschias prefer a little morning sun and shade in the afternoon. There are 2 types: an upright grower, which looks best in containers or in the landscape, and a trailing type, which looks best in hanging baskets. The plants you bought may not have been well cared for or simply poor quality. They don't over winter well, so I'd just get better ones next year. You can usually find them already in hanging baskets for not much more than what you'd pay for the plants in containers.
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