where to begin....
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2005
by Jiffymouse on March 17, 2005 06:05 PM
sounds like you have the right plan
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but here is a question that i think more people would be inclined to answer. there is an old chicken coop and run, and since you wont catch me farming animals of any kind, i wish to utilize that area to suit me and my family better. the coop is going to be my potting shed, but i would love to turn the run into my veggie garden. the lady before was raising organic turkeys, and i figure that that soil is probably pretty rich. and it is already deer proof.
oh..i did have a question here somewhere.....
since it hasnt been used for a few years, you can imagine that it is full of grass, and some nasty weeds, like canadian thistle (*yuck) and just a couple burdock.
i was thinking that i am going to go in there...whack everything to the ground, then get out my trusty garden fork...dig them nasty roots out as much as i can. then i was thinking about bruning the whole lot..then finally i was going to add a heap of nicely rotted chicken and horse manure ( so kindley left over for me) and other amendments, and rottotill the whole thing in.
how does this sound for a plan? are my steps going to be the best? should i do something else..or skip one of these steps? any suggestions about burning, then turning?
i do have some photos, but i again forgot how i to post them. i have a webshots page..just need to type ion full ulr right? well i will try to figure it out.
in the mean time.. thanks for any help.
it is a pretty big area...like...60' x 15' or so.
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