horses and landscaping
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by Chrissy on June 13, 2006 09:45 AM
My father & stepmother live on a horse ranch in Wisconsin & they haven't had any trouble with the horses eating their plants. The horses prefer hay & grass to anything with thorns for sure. My dad has several butterfly bushes near the corrals & they have never even nibbled them. He actually planted an apple tree & a large carrot patch for them to graze on a couple of summers back & they adore them. He had to get rid of his black walnut tree though, as they did try to eat from it & dad was told black walnuts are poisonous to horses. He has Arabians, so I am unsure if this info is only good for his breed or if it goes for all horses in general.
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by buzylady on June 14, 2006 02:16 AM
I have found that if the plant has grassy leaves they will try to munch. Like the roadside lillies. But most flowers are safe from being eaten. I've even seen the horses work around flowers to get to weeds or grass. They have amazing ways of moving their large lips around what they don't want to eat.
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Mrs.Spud: Idaho Mom