Mother-in-laws tongue
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by kirksgirl on December 02, 2005 04:54 AM
I have a single leaf from a mother-in-laws tongue, I would like to grow this into a new plant- how do I do this?
by margaret e. pell on December 02, 2005 05:55 AM
Not all plants will grow from leaves, but if this one will, here's how. First, it must have the part where the leaf attached to the stem, that's where the plantlet will grow from. If it's a long leaf you can cut the tip back so you have 8" or so. Place this on damp sand, vermiculite, or a mixture of both, so the part that attached to the stem is touching the damp (not soggy!) rooting mix. Then wait 2, 3, 4 weeks, keeping the rooting mix evenly damp. Don't let it dry out or be too wet. I use distilled water for this so impurities from tap water don't concintrate in the sand. I also cover the whole thing with a glass salad bowl to prevent drying (and eating too much salad
) but you have to watch for rot. This works for anything that will root from a leaf. Good luck and let us know how your leaf does!
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may God bless the WHOLE world!
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may God bless the WHOLE world!
by Nittrox on December 02, 2005 01:20 PM
I started mine a month back. Its doing great without devoting any more attention than watering it regularly and keeping the area warm.
by margaret e. pell on December 03, 2005 08:56 AM
Ok, ok, I gave the "full detail" version. Glad you're relaxed with yours, Nittrox. After all, it's the plant doing all the work, we just have to provide a good enough environment.
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may God bless the WHOLE world!
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may God bless the WHOLE world!
by Nittrox on December 03, 2005 05:19 PM
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
Nevertheless, I took a print out of ur "detailed version", just in case - for testing times...
by Jiffymouse on December 11, 2005 11:31 PM
i have to add, mil's tongue or sanseveria, is one of the few plants that do not require a "whole" leaf, just a couple of inches will work. making sure that you are putting it in the soil with the down side down, let it dry between waterings and you will have a new plant in about a month.
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