Baby Pumpkins!
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by afgreyparrot on July 02, 2004 02:29 AM
How cute! 
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Buckle up! It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!

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Buckle up! It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!
by gardenmom32210 on July 02, 2004 03:05 AM
by weezie13 on July 02, 2004 07:04 AM
Hey, Nice pumpkin's you got there Meg!!
We got 8 last year and the kids had so much
fun with them!
Keep the updates coming!!
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
We got 8 last year and the kids had so much
fun with them!
Keep the updates coming!!
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
by afgreyparrot on July 02, 2004 03:24 PM
Watch out, Phil! I see some competition here!
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Buckle up! It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!
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Buckle up! It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!
by Phil and Laura on July 03, 2004 03:35 PM
Well for sure they are cute, LOTS of em' too!, May hold the record for most pumpkins per plant!
by Meg on July 03, 2004 04:08 PM
I can't get over how fast these things grow!! The vines, I swear they grow out another foot each day. And the pumpkins themselves? Wow, each day they are bigger. I have 2 that are in competition to be the bigger one right now.. and of course, my girls are fighting over who's gonna get which The little one, who's pumpkin contained the seeds that started this whole thing, claims that these are all hers.. and she gets first pick.
Ok, I haven't been able to figure out which farm they went to for thier pumpkins. (There are many around.) BUT, I went to the local Southern States to look around for some stuff.. and I saw lots of seeds there still. They had a few different kinds of pumpkin seeds there, and one looked a LOT like the seeds we had, and those seeds were called "Jack O Lantern". Soooo, maybe that's what we got?
I'll have to take more pictures again soon, so you can see how much they have grown in just a couple of days!
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by Phil and Laura on July 03, 2004 04:36 PM
Get those cuke beetles Meg Whatever you use, spray well,the leaves, the underside of the leaves, the flowers, the ground, they will transmit the bacterial wilt virus,and KILL your punkies!
by Meg on July 03, 2004 05:53 PM
Do you have any suggestions/helpful hints for getting rid of them? I just used an entire bottle of pesticide that was supposed to be good for these (among other critters), but I am sure I didn't get them completely yet.. the underside is hard to reach as well as the ground level. I did pull back some leaves and spray the flowers and get down some. Someone here (I forget who now.. have to look at thread again) told me I should get some nematodes for the soil to get rid of any larvae, but I am not sure where I can get them. SS girl looked at me funny like I was
when I asked about them. I can order them online, just like other stuff I'm getting, but would rather not if I could help it. And while I don't mind handling ladybugs, the thought of getting even close to nematodes kinda just makes me
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by Phil and Laura on July 03, 2004 06:49 PM
If they are numerous, and I detect some urgency here!, you are going to have to hit em hard at first, normally ,I get a head start on em, but since they are on to your plants location, I would use the available at most stores: Pyrethrins/rotenone insecticide at a 4 teaspoons to a gallon rate,sprayed as all sprays...Either before or After the sun is up or it is down..NEVER SPRAY ANYTHING IN THE SUN!!! As for the soil, I would use a soil drench of 1 ounce of Neem Oil to a gallon of water, ON the SOIL!!!DO NOT USE ANY mix at the same time on the leaves. Do Not be alarmed at the nematodes; However, if the beetles are advanced, they probably will not slow them down. If you should choose to go Non-organic, try a strong insecticide, I would suggest Diazanon, they LAUGH at Sevin, or at least the ones here do, heck I seen one of em' with his luffa, scrubbin' down in a sevin puddle one year. I have used, and will again a chemical solution,IF MY CROP IS IN PERIL!!!
I will Post my complete battle plan with my results so far in the pest section later today...till then, find some type solution to use to get the lil boogers under control!
Please, everyone...No Mater if it be ORGANIC or Chemical...Always read and FOLLOW label Directions!!! To many folks think that ORGANIC means that it will have NO Negative effect on YOU or YOUR PLANTS!
I will Post my complete battle plan with my results so far in the pest section later today...till then, find some type solution to use to get the lil boogers under control!
Please, everyone...No Mater if it be ORGANIC or Chemical...Always read and FOLLOW label Directions!!! To many folks think that ORGANIC means that it will have NO Negative effect on YOU or YOUR PLANTS!
by Meg on July 04, 2004 01:13 AM
Originally posted by Phil and Laura:
If you should choose to go Non-organic, try a strong insecticide, I would suggest Diazanon, they LAUGH at Sevin, or at least the ones here do, heck I seen one of em' with his luffa, scrubbin' down in a sevin puddle one year.
quote:Ok, where do I find Neem Oil? And what does this do? There are MANY beetles. I didn't notice them at first, then one day, there were so many, there were at least 3 or 4 inside each open flower, just covered in pollen.
Pyrethrins/rotenone insecticide at a 4 teaspoons to a gallon rate,sprayed as all sprays...Either before or After the sun is up or it is down..NEVER SPRAY ANYTHING IN THE SUN!!! As for the soil, I would use a soil drench of 1 ounce of Neem Oil to a gallon of water, ON the SOIL!!!DO NOT USE ANY mix at the same time on the leaves. Do Not be alarmed at the nematodes; However, if the beetles are advanced, they probably will not slow them down.
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by Phil and Laura on July 04, 2004 07:37 PM
Meg, as long as the plants had time to dry off,Before the sun became intense, and providing you mixed correctly( NOT better) You will be alright. It all depends, I said that HERE they laugh at Sevin, If it works
Check out the new thread I started today
Check out the new thread I started today
by Meg on July 04, 2004 09:24 PM
Ok, I will check out the new thread. BTW, I bought ready to use, not concentrate, and I did find some dead beetles this morning. I saw one live one, climbing around on my house, avoiding the plants it would seem. LOL. I know I need to do it again, because I ran out sooner than I was finished. I guess maybe I'll need a bigger bottle, or the concentrate stuff.
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I reject your reality, and substitue my own!
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by Phil and Laura on July 05, 2004 12:27 AM
by Meg on July 05, 2004 02:57 AM
Working on it!
Definately need more killing type stuff.
For your photo viewing pleasure, I have added new photos to my yahoo album, showing the growth in just 3 days. Look here!
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For your photo viewing pleasure, I have added new photos to my yahoo album, showing the growth in just 3 days. Look here!
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I reject your reality, and substitue my own!
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by gardenmom32210 on July 05, 2004 05:19 AM
They are looking GREAT,Meg


by Phil and Laura on July 05, 2004 02:42 PM
by murphyette on July 08, 2004 09:23 PM
Our pumpkins aren't even close to being that size. Heck...they don't even have flowers yet.
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