Is It Yellow?
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by <Gigi> on December 01, 2003 02:53 PM
I absolutely love those colors!!
So beautiful of a color!
So bright and cheery,
especially when there's no flowers at all!
Hi gang!
So beautiful of a color!
So bright and cheery,
especially when there's no flowers at all!
Hi gang!
by plants 'n pots on December 01, 2003 03:13 PM
What a nice cheery way to start the morning - thanks, Bill! ![[flower]](im/graemlins/flower.gif)
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Lynne's knitting journal

"I'm spayed, declawed, and housebound - how's YOUR day going???"
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"I'm spayed, declawed, and housebound - how's YOUR day going???"
by PeppermintLily45 on December 01, 2003 03:36 PM
Made my day again Bill
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by Jiffymouse on December 01, 2003 04:27 PM
I have a kalanchoe of that style, but not near as pretty! looks real good!!
by Jillie on December 01, 2003 04:28 PM
Yup, yellow, alright! Happy December, Bill! Those are beauties....
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by catlover on December 01, 2003 06:13 PM
My Kalanchoe is a pink color wonder what the name of IT is?
I have made a bunch of starters from the one plant that the previous owner left. It was just a little ugly poor thing and now watch out it is hanging way over the edges. Seems like the more I cut it back and take starters the fuller it gets.
I love that Forsythia....sure wish I had more room to plant more trees. Wonder if it would grow in my neck of the woods. Have to do some research!
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I have made a bunch of starters from the one plant that the previous owner left. It was just a little ugly poor thing and now watch out it is hanging way over the edges. Seems like the more I cut it back and take starters the fuller it gets.
I love that Forsythia....sure wish I had more room to plant more trees. Wonder if it would grow in my neck of the woods. Have to do some research!
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by Bill on December 01, 2003 06:40 PM
Karen, what zone are you in? Forsythias do well in zones 4-9. Some varieties only grow to about five feet tall with a four foot spread.
Your Kalanchoe is also a Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana, each color has a variety name but since Kalanchoes are more of a "florist" type plant they are seldom identified. Did you know that you could pin a Kalanchoe leaf to the soil and get a new clone from each notch in the leaf?![[Wink]](im/wink.gif)
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Your Kalanchoe is also a Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana, each color has a variety name but since Kalanchoes are more of a "florist" type plant they are seldom identified. Did you know that you could pin a Kalanchoe leaf to the soil and get a new clone from each notch in the leaf?
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by catlover on December 01, 2003 07:30 PM
Okay I live in zone 9 so they better have some at the local nursery! According to your write up you can espalier the tall varieties. Have you had any luck espaliering the shorter varities. Want to be courteous of my neighbors view and the shorter variety would work real well especially if espaliered by the wood fence! With lack of area I could shove more things in that way! Sneaky huh! I'll show you I can plant more things in a small area!!!!LOL
You know I have had a lot of success taking the branch of the Kalanchoe but I did try putting the leaves in side ways and try that. They just rotted. Ewwwwe Guess I will try laying them down and pinning them! Just think how many starters I can get that way!
The garden club will be floating in them.Ha Ha!
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You know I have had a lot of success taking the branch of the Kalanchoe but I did try putting the leaves in side ways and try that. They just rotted. Ewwwwe Guess I will try laying them down and pinning them! Just think how many starters I can get that way!
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by loz on December 01, 2003 10:03 PM
Beautiful pics...I love the bright yellows....I have a kalanchoe that blooms white flowers, I's been a while since it flowered...
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