Rabbit breeding on my frontyard
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by Sorathien on October 08, 2005 03:04 PM
quote:dude, welcome to the forums, but in the future, could you maybe try to combine some of your threads? you've posted like 8 threads in the past couple hours, several of which are related. you don't need a new thread for every single question. a lot of them could have been asked in just one thread, like the two about your shrubs "What are they" and "Should i prune them" could have gone in one thread, etc.
added to post by jiffymousequote:
the following is a post that is the opinion of the poster (sorathien) and does not reflect the opinion of the administration of this forum
by MikeG on October 08, 2005 03:11 PM
Sorry. I didn't want my threads to be too crowded with so many pictures though.
added to post by jiffymousequote:
[qb]mike's posts are quite alright, and to read the actual answers to his original question, please see page 2 of this post.
further, if anyone has any questions regarding proper forum conduct, please contact one of the hostesses or Bill, the site owner.
by Sorathien on October 08, 2005 03:14 PM
that's what links are for. sorry if i sound kurt, i'm not trying to be. it's 12am and i'm kind of grumpy, had a bad day. i'm new to these forums too. someone will probably help you by tomorrow. i really don't know the answers to any of your questions. i just have a lot of pet-peeves when it comes to forum ettiquite.
don't mind me, i'm just the angsty artist girl that thrives on drama and anarchy.
by MikeG on October 08, 2005 03:18 PM
these are links to the images hosted elsewhere. I tried to delete one of the threads and combine with another as u suggested but deletion is not an option. if the mods feel like they need to merge a few of them, they are welcome to do so. but boy am I anxious to get some work done over the long weekend. I get to have columbus day off.
by Sorathien on October 08, 2005 03:35 PM
what i mean by links, is posting http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a124/MikeG2k/Misc/rabbitdamage1a.jpg instead of the same address with [img] tags around it, which make it show up on the page. if you just post the direct address to the picture, it saves space on the forum. people just have to click the link to view the pic, instead of it being right there on the page.
by tkhooper on October 08, 2005 09:51 PM
Hey Mike welcome to the forum. We love questions here. I must have asked about a zillion when I joined back in March. Just look at the number of posts I have at this point and you know I talk a lot. And I never seem to get all the related questions in the same post. I'm just not that organized.
But the hostess and other members have welcomed me with open arms. I haven't run across any really good answers concerning getting rid of bunnies. I have read that they bunnies don't like the crown imperial plants and they are fantastic looking plants. But they are very expensive and slow to multiply. They are on my when I get rich wish list which is why I know about them.
You might try cutting and pasting your originial posted question down in pests. It may get more answers down there. I can't swear to it though. It's just a thought.
Take care and welcome to the forum.
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But the hostess and other members have welcomed me with open arms. I haven't run across any really good answers concerning getting rid of bunnies. I have read that they bunnies don't like the crown imperial plants and they are fantastic looking plants. But they are very expensive and slow to multiply. They are on my when I get rich wish list which is why I know about them.
You might try cutting and pasting your originial posted question down in pests. It may get more answers down there. I can't swear to it though. It's just a thought.
Take care and welcome to the forum.
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by afgreyparrot on October 08, 2005 09:58 PM
quote:Well, I personally like to see the pictures right on the post...so I guess I'm not up on the forum ettiquite here yet, either.
i just have a lot of pet-peeves when it comes to forum ettiquite.
![[Roll Eyes]](im/rolleyes.gif)
Guess I ought to go back and read the handbook again.
quote:If that's true, you shouldn't have minded the disorder and confusion of all the posts!
i'm just the angsty artist girl that thrives on drama and anarchy.
Meaning of anarchy:
1. Absence of any form of political authority.
2. Political disorder and confusion.
3. Absence of any cohesive principle, such as a common standard or purpose.
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Buckle up! It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!
by plants 'n pots on October 09, 2005 12:17 AM
Not to stir up a bee's nest here
but are we running low on forum space here so that we can't post pictures anymore?
Bill? Hostesses?
I usually post 1-3 pictures if I have them, and haven't been told by any of the above that it was a problem, so I'm wondering why you think it might be, Sorathien? Again, not trying to stir anything up, but I'm curious so the rest of us know what to do?
From time to time, our wonderful hostesses weed things out that they think are superfluous or not responded to, and I think they do a wonderful job of it.![[kissies]](im/graemlins/kissies.gif)
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Lynne's knitting journal

"I'm spayed, declawed, and housebound - how's YOUR day going???"
![[Roll Eyes]](im/rolleyes.gif)
but are we running low on forum space here so that we can't post pictures anymore?
Bill? Hostesses?
I usually post 1-3 pictures if I have them, and haven't been told by any of the above that it was a problem, so I'm wondering why you think it might be, Sorathien? Again, not trying to stir anything up, but I'm curious so the rest of us know what to do?
From time to time, our wonderful hostesses weed things out that they think are superfluous or not responded to, and I think they do a wonderful job of it.
* * * *

"I'm spayed, declawed, and housebound - how's YOUR day going???"
by Bill on October 09, 2005 12:37 AM
Photographs that are hosted on a different site (ie: photobucket) don't take any space on our site, however the page loading speed on our site is greately affected by the speed of the photo hosting site.
We have no problems whatsoever with anyone posting photos in their topics, as long as they are reasonably sized and you don't post too many. (2-3 photos @ 640x480 on a page usually doesn't cause too much speed loss, even for us poor folks who still have dial up. (The smaller the photos are, the more you can post)
If you post hosted photos here, please leave them on the photo host. (If you delete them from the host, we are left with a topic that has a big hole in the middle of it)
I found a page in the Critter Forum recently that had a total of 22 photos on it one day though, and it took FOREVER to load. We would prefer, in a situation like that, that members start a new topic to show their pet photos.
Other than that, please feel free to post your pictures using the [img] tags!
(Did that all make any sense?)
* * * *

We have no problems whatsoever with anyone posting photos in their topics, as long as they are reasonably sized and you don't post too many. (2-3 photos @ 640x480 on a page usually doesn't cause too much speed loss, even for us poor folks who still have dial up. (The smaller the photos are, the more you can post)
If you post hosted photos here, please leave them on the photo host. (If you delete them from the host, we are left with a topic that has a big hole in the middle of it)
I found a page in the Critter Forum recently that had a total of 22 photos on it one day though, and it took FOREVER to load. We would prefer, in a situation like that, that members start a new topic to show their pet photos.
Other than that, please feel free to post your pictures using the [img] tags!
(Did that all make any sense?)
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by plants 'n pots on October 09, 2005 12:47 AM
Perfect sense, Bill!
Thanks so much!![[kissies]](im/graemlins/kissies.gif)
* * * *

Lynne's knitting journal

"I'm spayed, declawed, and housebound - how's YOUR day going???"
Thanks so much!
* * * *

"I'm spayed, declawed, and housebound - how's YOUR day going???"
by Sorathien on October 09, 2005 02:12 AM
no, what i meant is that Mike said he didn't want to fill up a post with so many pictures. so i suggested he use links if that was the case. but using links makes it easier for people with 56k connections. i have cable, so i don't mind, but i'm sure there's people around here with 56k
by afgreyparrot on October 09, 2005 02:55 AM
quote:Well...before you explained about posting the links instead of the pictures, you seemed rather unfriendly and "kurt", as you put it...before Mike made the statement about not wanting the threads to be crowded with so many pictures...
no, what i meant is...
dude, welcome to the forums, but in the future, could you maybe try to combine some of your threads? you've posted like 8 threads in the past couple hours,
quote:I have some bad days myself...and when I do, I don't post on the forum if I think my mood is going to be reflected in my replies. As much as I love this forum, I would rather stay away for awhile than hurt someone's feelings.
that's what links are for. sorry if i sound kurt, i'm not trying to be. it's 12am and i'm kind of grumpy, had a bad day.
I'm still not sure about this statement...
quote:Like I said...I'm not "up" on forum etiquette, but I've never been banned from a forum before, so I must be doing O.K....well, up to right now, I guess.
i just have a lot of pet-peeves when it comes to forum ettiquite.
![[Roll Eyes]](im/rolleyes.gif)
I'm sure some of those photos Bill was referring to were probably mine.
quote:But, he didn't publicly berate me for it.
I found a page in the Critter Forum recently that had a total of 22 photos on it one day
Sorry if anyone gets upset with my reply here, but if Bill or the hostesses feel the need to delete it, that's fine. I think this is actually the first time I've ever spoken up about something that bothered me. I'm just so used to everyone being so friendly here, this just really upset me.
* * * *

Buckle up! It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!
by melcon6 on October 09, 2005 03:34 AM
I didn't have a problem with any of MikeG's posts and I have dial-up and a cheap, slow, walmart computer.
I am definitely a visual aid type person and always appreciate pictures and actually it takes my computer longer to go to the link than to see the picture right on the page.
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I am definitely a visual aid type person and always appreciate pictures and actually it takes my computer longer to go to the link than to see the picture right on the page.
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by melcon6 on October 09, 2005 03:43 AM
By the way, MikeG, when I read the topic , I really thought I was gonna see pictures of the bunnies actually "breeding"
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![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
* * * *

by Sorathien on October 09, 2005 03:48 AM
what i mean by forum ettiquite is things like not posting in all caps, not posting a gazillion pics in one thread so people with dialup don't have to wait 2 hours for a page to load, etc.
i dunno, i guess it's just me, but it really bothers me when people post one thread after another asking only one question in each thread. it clutters up the forum and makes it look untidy.
it's kind of like on another forum, where someone discovered this website where you could create a personal quiz and test your friends on how well they knew you. well, we ended up with like 25 sepperate threads for each person who wanted to post a quiz. it was total chaos. the mods finally locked all the indevidual threads and posted ONE thread for everyone to post their quizzes in.
whenever i have more than one question, i always try to combine them into one thread, unless they're so unrelated it would be silly.
so sue me. i can be a very nice person, but when someone does something that bothers me, i tell them, and sometimes it comes across as not being so nice.
Mike, I'm sorry if i made you feel unwelcome or if you'd done something wrong. i only meant for you to keep those things in mind for the future. don't hesitate to post your questions, just keep in mind that if it's possible to ask two or three related questions per thread, it just keeps things a little neater and i personally happen to think it makes it easier for people to find, and answer your questions, because they're all in the same place
i dunno, i guess it's just me, but it really bothers me when people post one thread after another asking only one question in each thread. it clutters up the forum and makes it look untidy.
it's kind of like on another forum, where someone discovered this website where you could create a personal quiz and test your friends on how well they knew you. well, we ended up with like 25 sepperate threads for each person who wanted to post a quiz. it was total chaos. the mods finally locked all the indevidual threads and posted ONE thread for everyone to post their quizzes in.
whenever i have more than one question, i always try to combine them into one thread, unless they're so unrelated it would be silly.
so sue me. i can be a very nice person, but when someone does something that bothers me, i tell them, and sometimes it comes across as not being so nice.
Mike, I'm sorry if i made you feel unwelcome or if you'd done something wrong. i only meant for you to keep those things in mind for the future. don't hesitate to post your questions, just keep in mind that if it's possible to ask two or three related questions per thread, it just keeps things a little neater and i personally happen to think it makes it easier for people to find, and answer your questions, because they're all in the same place
by weezie13 on October 09, 2005 04:15 AM
Sent you a PM!!!
MikeG...Welcome to The Garden Helper's Forum!!!
And what a the bunnies doing now???
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

quote:So did I!!!
By the way, MikeG, when I read the topic , I really thought I was gonna see pictures of the bunnies actually "breeding"
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
Sent you a PM!!!
MikeG...Welcome to The Garden Helper's Forum!!!
And what a the bunnies doing now???
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

by Jiffymouse on October 10, 2005 02:25 AM
mike, i'm a hostess and the first thing i am going to do is answer your orginal question. for the rest of the season, i would just ignore the rabbits. but, as soon as you check the nest (check it on a regular basis) and the rabbits are gone, fill the hole, and put some chicken wire over the top of it. that will discourage the rabbits from going back there next season. also, if you have a dog or cat, some hair around the hole will deter them.
now, i am going to thank you for posting so many different threads. this is primarily an informational forum, and lots of posts & topics are referred back to when we are trying to help someone. by posting all your questions in individual topics, and putting the subject in the title, it makes it MUCH easier for me (and the other hostesses) when we have that question repeated. so, thanks again
as for the pics, bill said it very well (and he owns the site) and melcon6 added a very important point. for me, it is much easier for a properly sized pic to load in the topic than it is for me to click the links. does that help?
now, i am going to thank you for posting so many different threads. this is primarily an informational forum, and lots of posts & topics are referred back to when we are trying to help someone. by posting all your questions in individual topics, and putting the subject in the title, it makes it MUCH easier for me (and the other hostesses) when we have that question repeated. so, thanks again
as for the pics, bill said it very well (and he owns the site) and melcon6 added a very important point. for me, it is much easier for a properly sized pic to load in the topic than it is for me to click the links. does that help?
by MikeG on October 10, 2005 05:38 AM
Thank you for your help, all of your replies and a warm welcome. I will do as you said. The baby bunnies are still there in the nest. I will keep checking. This may be a dumb question but what is chicken wire and where can I get it? No pets here.
Also, I am not sure why 2 of my threads have disapeared - the ones in which I was asking someone to id my trees and shrubs.
Also, I am not sure why 2 of my threads have disapeared - the ones in which I was asking someone to id my trees and shrubs.
by weezie13 on October 10, 2005 05:48 AM
quote:I moved them Mike, into the Mystery Section...
Also, I am not sure why 2 of my threads have disapeared - the ones in which I was asking someone to id my trees and shrubs.
I think you've gotten a few responses already..
When you post again, make sure you go to
the FULL FEPLY FORM, and scroll down and you'll
see a couple of boxes, the first one is for
EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS.. and when someone replies'
you'll get a home email notification..
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

by Jiffymouse on October 10, 2005 07:29 AM
chicken wire is what chicken coops are made from. it can be bought in any hardware or lawn & garden center. you can also use hardware cloth, but chicken wire is cheaper. if you go to somewhere like lowe's or home depot, to the fencing/garden section, and ask, they can show you what chicken wire is. i got a roll for about $15, and have been using it over a year, and still have some left. it will cut very easily with wire snips.
by cinta on October 10, 2005 07:54 AM
WOW Mike I have never seen them do that to grass before. They have Made a nest in my yard with leaves but never tore my grass out.
To answer your question when the babies got big enough they went away. I do not think there is anything you can do for them not to do it again. You might get some bloodmeal. Rabbit do not like the smell and they will go away. But everytime it rains you will have to re-apply. But on the plus side it is good for the soil.
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If you want the rainbow you have to put up with the rain!!
To answer your question when the babies got big enough they went away. I do not think there is anything you can do for them not to do it again. You might get some bloodmeal. Rabbit do not like the smell and they will go away. But everytime it rains you will have to re-apply. But on the plus side it is good for the soil.
* * * *
If you want the rainbow you have to put up with the rain!!
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