Once Thriving, Now Dying Money Tree
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2005
by Mandy N. on September 13, 2005 01:02 PM
Hello. I had a beautiful money tree that was thriving and getting huge!! I have had it for almost a year now. The leaves all of a sudden have been turning spotted brown, and falling off!! The leaves will fall off, then the stem will follow! I haven't been doing anything different, but it sure doesn't like something! Please help me!!!
by Mandy N. on September 17, 2005 03:52 AM
by Ltaniea on September 23, 2005 11:57 PM
Hi Mandy
FOr a while my money tree (have had it for about two years now) and at one point it started to get spotted brown, and it was because it got spidermites/aphids or something like that. Look really really closely on the bottom side of the leaves/stems and on the bottom of your pot. I gave it a warm soapy shower, and then misted it with warm soapy water about twice a week thereafter, and it is doing awesome now. Hope this helps.
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"I do not walk to my destination; I simply spin the earth under my feet until I am there"
FOr a while my money tree (have had it for about two years now) and at one point it started to get spotted brown, and it was because it got spidermites/aphids or something like that. Look really really closely on the bottom side of the leaves/stems and on the bottom of your pot. I gave it a warm soapy shower, and then misted it with warm soapy water about twice a week thereafter, and it is doing awesome now. Hope this helps.
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"I do not walk to my destination; I simply spin the earth under my feet until I am there"
by Mandy N. on September 24, 2005 01:38 AM
thank you! I will check!
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