Dumb Cane is wilting!
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2004
by Angelfaery on December 28, 2004 07:37 PM
Hi all! I have had this dumb cane plant that I keep at work for about 2 years and it has always done well. It seemed very healthy and has been growing great with very little care from me. Well I was gone over the Christmas weekend for 4 days and when I came back into work this morning, I find that my dumb cane stocks are falling over! I have about 5 stocks and they are all leaning all the way over on the sides of the pot in all directions. The dirt seemed dry so I watered it hoping that would perk it up. But then I am worrying that I overwatered it previously and maybe that is why it is doing this? Would it do this if it got to cold over the weekend? Any ideas would be appreciated!

by Jiffymouse on December 29, 2004 04:56 PM
well, i'd cut the top 2/3 off of them all, and pot them up into a new pot and let the bottoms grow babies. works well, and all you have to do is stick the tops into good potting soil, keep them watered (but not soggy) and they'll continue to grow and you will have twice as many plants (or more!) i did that to one at work, and the bottom has produce 3 babies!
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