Stinky Aloe
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2004
by delawaredrew on November 21, 2004 06:21 PM
My experience with aloe excretion is that it gets "stinky" or yellowed when the fronds are sickly, otherwise it is normally just like the bottled aloe that is in the stores. Does it look shriveled or otherwise abnormal? My own aloe got this way only after it was severely overwatered(by me), or when I broke a frond without removing it entirely. Hope this helps, but I'm sure others here are more knowledgeable about aloe problems then I am.
My experience with aloe excretion is that it gets "stinky" or yellowed when the fronds are sickly, otherwise it is normally just like the bottled aloe that is in the stores. Does it look shriveled or otherwise abnormal? My own aloe got this way only after it was severely overwatered(by me), or when I broke a frond without removing it entirely. Hope this helps, but I'm sure others here are more knowledgeable about aloe problems then I am.
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