Buying new perenials...
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by Mandy N. on April 16, 2006 02:17 PM
Hello. I am wondering if anyone knows of a site that sells great perenials for a good deal. I already know about Brecks, but I am looking for more variety. Any info would be great! Thanks!!
by tkhooper on April 16, 2006 07:44 PM
Hi Mandy,
I think the best deals are at your local garden centers. But I've heard good things about Spring Hill Nursery although personally I haven't had much luck with online purchases for the garden. Good luck with yours.
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I think the best deals are at your local garden centers. But I've heard good things about Spring Hill Nursery although personally I haven't had much luck with online purchases for the garden. Good luck with yours.
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by alankhart on April 16, 2006 09:55 PM
I have tried MANY mail order centers and have been disappointed with almost all of them. For the price, Bluestone Perennials isn't bad. The plants are small and usually come in packs of 3 and are usually in good shape when they arrive. You might look at Graceful Gardens ,too, but they have a minimum order. Michigan Bulb has a guarantee on their plants, but I never had good luck with them and ended up getting my money back on almost everything I ordered. My favorite mail order center is ForestFarm, but they are not cheap, and shipping is outrageuos.
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by weezie13 on April 17, 2006 12:23 AM
I have ordered from QVC, and they do have an unconditional guarentee.. you don't like it, it didn't perform well, it didn't come up **the following spring** they return or refund your $$..
I simply have no complaints with them..
Not many nurseries have a guarentee like that,
if you buy something and it didn't come up that year or even next year, and you tried to come back and say, "It didn't grow" they'd look at you like
about returning your money.....
(and they have several companies that sell there,
like Cottage Gardens, Roberta's Exotic's, Instanta Gardens too..)
For Catalogs,
~~~~>I have not personally ordered from any of these,
(Only cause I don't have much "extra" money, but when I win the lottery to be able spend some $$ on something else than groceries... these are the FIRST PLACES I'D GO)<~~~
Plants Delight Nursery, Inc.
If they put into their service as they do their catalog, I don't think you can go wrong.. I personally have not ordered from there, but they do have alot of unusual plants, and their catalog is sooooooo good, funny, veryyyyyy informative..
and just a nice catalog...
**and I love reading FREEEEEE CATALOGS, in the dead of winter, after Christmas, when I am dreaming of spring to come**
For Seeds,
Seeds of Change also has a great catalog,
Again, very informative, and lot's of recipes and such for the things you grow.. as well as growing info...
Cooks Garden also has a great little catalog they put some time into, recipes and growing info...
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
I simply have no complaints with them..
Not many nurseries have a guarentee like that,
if you buy something and it didn't come up that year or even next year, and you tried to come back and say, "It didn't grow" they'd look at you like
![[Roll Eyes]](im/rolleyes.gif)
(and they have several companies that sell there,
like Cottage Gardens, Roberta's Exotic's, Instanta Gardens too..)
For Catalogs,
~~~~>I have not personally ordered from any of these,
(Only cause I don't have much "extra" money, but when I win the lottery to be able spend some $$ on something else than groceries... these are the FIRST PLACES I'D GO)<~~~
Plants Delight Nursery, Inc.
If they put into their service as they do their catalog, I don't think you can go wrong.. I personally have not ordered from there, but they do have alot of unusual plants, and their catalog is sooooooo good, funny, veryyyyyy informative..
and just a nice catalog...
**and I love reading FREEEEEE CATALOGS, in the dead of winter, after Christmas, when I am dreaming of spring to come**
For Seeds,
Seeds of Change also has a great catalog,
Again, very informative, and lot's of recipes and such for the things you grow.. as well as growing info...
Cooks Garden also has a great little catalog they put some time into, recipes and growing info...
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
by cinta on April 17, 2006 10:57 AM
Depending on what you are looking for Mountain Crest sent me the biggest plants I have gotten from any online Nursery and I have ordered from almost all of the above mentioned.
MC sells succulents also so they do not have a large selection of garden perrenials but what they send looks like 1-2 yr plants not seedlings.
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If you want the rainbow you have to put up with the rain!!
MC sells succulents also so they do not have a large selection of garden perrenials but what they send looks like 1-2 yr plants not seedlings.
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If you want the rainbow you have to put up with the rain!!
by Mandy N. on April 17, 2006 01:07 PM
Hey thanks everyone for all of the information! This will definately give me something to look forward too!!
by weezie13 on April 17, 2006 09:51 PM
What are you interested in growing?
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
What are you interested in growing?
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
by SpringFever on April 17, 2006 10:02 PM
Nice links Weezie!
I find some great deals even at my grocery store!
The best deal I have found is to get starts from friends,neighbors and family
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Tonight I am having friends for dinner... Hanibal Lector My Album
I find some great deals even at my grocery store!
The best deal I have found is to get starts from friends,neighbors and family
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Tonight I am having friends for dinner... Hanibal Lector My Album
by Mandy N. on April 18, 2006 02:54 AM
Im interested in anything that is beautiful. I've borrowed a friends Perenial magazine, and it had wonderful plants in there. Hellebores, Euphorbia, and lots of other plants that tolerate shade. I have a huge tree that shades my yard most of the day. I will take a picture of my yard sometime in the near future.... it is snowing today!!!! UUGGGHHH!!! Just when I wanted to get out and push some dirt around! I also have a rock garden on the south side of my house that is in full sun. I am wondering what to do there. So, anyway, thanks for all the great ideas! I went to Plants Delight Nursery, Inc. web site, and they have tons of plants there that are beautiful!!! Thanks again!
by morninglori on April 18, 2006 08:30 AM
if you were close I'd give you about a truck load of starter stock. It is true that the best perennials are the ones that were growing successfully in someone elses garden. A couple of years back, we started a neighborhood plant exchange in the spring and fall (fall for bulbs, spring for perennial thinning). It was wildly successful. Maybe you could start one in your neighborhood. It's a great way to meet neighbors that you don't know and to break the ice easily.
if you were close I'd give you about a truck load of starter stock. It is true that the best perennials are the ones that were growing successfully in someone elses garden. A couple of years back, we started a neighborhood plant exchange in the spring and fall (fall for bulbs, spring for perennial thinning). It was wildly successful. Maybe you could start one in your neighborhood. It's a great way to meet neighbors that you don't know and to break the ice easily.
by Mandy N. on April 18, 2006 01:29 PM
That is a great idea! I will have to bring it up to a bunch of friends in the neighborhood. (Now just thinking about which plants I would like to target!)
That is a great idea! I will have to bring it up to a bunch of friends in the neighborhood. (Now just thinking about which plants I would like to target!)
by eClaire on April 18, 2006 09:13 PM
I have ordered from, and most of what they sent me has survived and even thrived. They mostly send bare root plants though, so you have to be patient (it takes a few weks for plants to establish and start growing), but they are really really cheap and have a 1 year replacement agreement, you just tell them what didn't make it and they send you new stuff.
Good luck!
ps- i agree that the best comes from others gardens!
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Good luck!
ps- i agree that the best comes from others gardens!
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by SpringFever on April 19, 2006 02:49 AM
Columbines,ferns,hosta,poker primrose,hosta,bleeding hearts,lily's,hydrangea,lilly of the valley, I grow just about every in shade!
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Tonight I am having friends for dinner... Hanibal Lector My Album
by Mandy N. on April 19, 2006 03:10 AM
WOW!!! This has been such a great forum!! I am loving all of these ideas!! Keep em coming!!
by SpringFever on April 19, 2006 07:28 AM
I have alot of shade in the back of my house it is totally north and I have a lot of trees,but can grow shasta daisies,purple,cone flowers,creeping phlox,irish moss,fox glove the list goes on but I can't remember all the names right off...
Good luck with your planning Mandy if you have any questions ask someone I know you will get lots of help.
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Tonight I am having friends for dinner... Hanibal Lector My Album
Good luck with your planning Mandy if you have any questions ask someone I know you will get lots of help.
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Tonight I am having friends for dinner... Hanibal Lector My Album
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