how to grow an aloe vera plant
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2005
by schultzie on July 28, 2005 01:15 AM
My husband has an aloe vera plant that is considered a master plant, and every so often little plants are growing from it; I've been repotting them. My questions are: can this plant be grown from seed, and what are the chances of one of the little ones that I have repotted becoming a master plant?
by weezie13 on August 02, 2005 09:17 AM
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Welcome to The Garden Helpe'rs Forum!!!
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by gardenmom32210 on August 02, 2005 07:45 PM
quote:Aloes are one of those plants that don't produce seeds,they reproduce from the root system. Given the proper care, all of the "babies" produced can become quite large and will eventually start to make their own "babies".
My questions are: can this plant be grown from seed, and what are the chances of one of the little ones that I have repotted becoming a master plant?
Hope this helped!
by tkhooper on August 02, 2005 08:41 PM
What's a master plant please?
by schultzie on August 02, 2005 09:15 PM
Hi! My husband has had this aloe vera plant for over 9 years and has always called the main plant that makes little ones the master plant. I've never known to call it anything else other than that. But I just read a response to my question (as to whether aloe can be grown from seed), and they used the term "parent"; which probably makes a lot of sense since it does make little "babies"! The parent plant made so many recently that I've had to repot them.
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