small spots on pothos
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by RugbyHukr on July 13, 2005 10:29 AM
Maybe you are watering the same as you did over winter. It needs more in the heat of summer.
Maybe it needs fertilizer.
But it sounds like spider mites.
* * * *

I love the sweet scents wafting in the breeze. I stop to admire the vibrant colors of all living things. And people think me odd. Then ODD I am!!!
Maybe it needs fertilizer.
But it sounds like spider mites.
* * * *

I love the sweet scents wafting in the breeze. I stop to admire the vibrant colors of all living things. And people think me odd. Then ODD I am!!!
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Most of the dying leaves are small to medium size and older and in different locations on the plant. Just before this I had a problem where 2 of 5 stems stopped growing leaves (the leaves were a millimeter long), although the stems continued to grow. A third stem did that for a couple leaves and then went back to normal. I cut all 3 off and put the one with leaves in a glass of water. Off-shoots are growing from all 3 cuts. The plant has sunlight, water, and food. What is my plant trying to tell me?