Is This A Real Ivy?
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2005
by Will Creed on June 29, 2005 08:36 AM
Hi Merme,
Have you got a photo or a better description? Angel is a patented brand name for some Hedera ivies. That 's the only angel ivy I know of.
Have you got a photo or a better description? Angel is a patented brand name for some Hedera ivies. That 's the only angel ivy I know of.
by afgreyparrot on July 30, 2005 04:49 AM
Here ya go, Merme...

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Buckle up! It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!

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Buckle up! It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!
by Merme on July 30, 2005 05:51 AM
As you can see from the photo in the above post, this plant has NOT done well in the past month.
It was placed on a plant stand in a corner by an East facing window that receives very filtered light.
Because of it's height in the room, it was also very hard for me to water it there.
When I noticed the leaves starting to get pale, I had someone move it for me to my kitchen which is bright and faces Southwest. Also, because of it's new location, I can attend to it better.
So I've cut off all the dead stuff that I could and gave it a good drink, but I can't say that it is looking any better yet.
Does anyone know what this plant is? And how I should be caring for it?
Oh and a HUGE THANK YOU to AFGREY for formatting the photo and posting it for me. She had so little to work with and did a spectacular job!
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"In the midst of winter, I learned there lives in me an invincible summer" Camus (maybe a paraphrase)
It was placed on a plant stand in a corner by an East facing window that receives very filtered light.
Because of it's height in the room, it was also very hard for me to water it there.
When I noticed the leaves starting to get pale, I had someone move it for me to my kitchen which is bright and faces Southwest. Also, because of it's new location, I can attend to it better.
So I've cut off all the dead stuff that I could and gave it a good drink, but I can't say that it is looking any better yet.
Does anyone know what this plant is? And how I should be caring for it?
Oh and a HUGE THANK YOU to AFGREY for formatting the photo and posting it for me. She had so little to work with and did a spectacular job!
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"In the midst of winter, I learned there lives in me an invincible summer" Camus (maybe a paraphrase)
by Will Creed on July 30, 2005 08:38 AM
Hi Merme,
I was going to say that it might be an Aeschynanthus, but the leaves on yours alternate along the stem rather than grow in pairs. It might be a species of Peperomia, but the stems seem a bit too thin and flexible. Hoya is another possibility, but the leaf shape isn't quite right and I don't know if the leaves on yours are leathery.
So I am stumped. Perhaps someone else has a better idea.
I was going to say that it might be an Aeschynanthus, but the leaves on yours alternate along the stem rather than grow in pairs. It might be a species of Peperomia, but the stems seem a bit too thin and flexible. Hoya is another possibility, but the leaf shape isn't quite right and I don't know if the leaves on yours are leathery.
So I am stumped. Perhaps someone else has a better idea.
by msgvb on July 30, 2005 10:01 AM
I'm kinda new to all of this but so far in my plant experience, I've nearly killed both ivy types I have and have since brought them back to somewhat vigorous health.
what kind of light do you have it in?
how much are you watering it?
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msg ::novice houseplant taker-care-of-er:: - msgvb
what kind of light do you have it in?
how much are you watering it?
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msg ::novice houseplant taker-care-of-er:: - msgvb
by Gardencrazy on July 30, 2005 01:12 PM
I do think it is an ivy. Maybe it is Royal hustler ivy? What do you think?
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my webshots ~ my photobucket
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by Merme on July 30, 2005 09:49 PM
Donna ~
You are right: the plant in the photo of the link you posted does look very similar.
Whatever this plant really is, I'd like to save it if possible.
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"In the midst of winter, I learned there lives in me an invincible summer" Camus (maybe a paraphrase)
You are right: the plant in the photo of the link you posted does look very similar.
Whatever this plant really is, I'd like to save it if possible.
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"In the midst of winter, I learned there lives in me an invincible summer" Camus (maybe a paraphrase)
Search The Garden Helper:
It has very delicate, smoothe leaves, about 1 inch long and not very wide.
Is this a real ivy? Any idea what its right name is? How to care for it?
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"In the midst of winter, I learned there lives in me an invincible summer" Camus (maybe a paraphrase)