dug irises
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by SassyBamaMom on March 09, 2006 09:21 AM
ANd moved them today they seem so much happier lol I dont maybe one day i will have flowers
by Bestofour on March 10, 2006 08:15 AM
Are you having problems? I have some that are in shade and some in full sun and they all bloom. I never water them either. They were planted almost on top of the ground.
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by SassyBamaMom on March 10, 2006 08:17 AM
i was maybe they will bloom
by Bestofour on March 10, 2006 08:20 AM
Hope so. What color do you have? I have lavendar and bearded purple. I planted a few white ones but they didn't make it.
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by comfrey on March 16, 2006 10:48 AM
You proable will get flowers this season Sassy. Were the roots pretty big? (fat not long)
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by SassyBamaMom on March 16, 2006 10:56 AM
yeah they were very fat
by Txgurlcop on March 22, 2006 09:43 AM
SassyBamaMom, i have about a hundred iris that i have planted to deep and they never bloomed. so out i go to dig them and move them, and hope for next year. I wish i knew then what i know now or at least knew last year and didn't have a chance to fix.
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Not all the coffee in Columbia can make me a morning person.
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Not all the coffee in Columbia can make me a morning person.
by comfrey on March 22, 2006 11:01 AM
I would say that they still may bloom for you...be sure to let us know if they do...If the don't I am sure they will next year.
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