Lots of Stray Branches
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by brokentreasures on April 04, 2006 06:31 AM
Normally townships have yard waste pickups every week. You could tie a bunch up (our township requires that you either tie them up in bunches or put them in refuse cans) and put a few out in the yard waste every week, or, perhaps your township has a mulching "outpost" where you could bring these branches.
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by Longy on April 05, 2006 02:09 AM
If I put them into a large pile would they ever decay enough to be used for mulch or compost or something?
Yes they would, but the smaller they are broken up, the more quickly they'll break down. If they are still "green" , i.e. not dead and hard, they could be soft enough to run over with the mower.
Others could be cut into smaller pieces and use the mowed stuff to cover them. This would be an excellent base material for a compost pile too.
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The secret is the soil.
Yes they would, but the smaller they are broken up, the more quickly they'll break down. If they are still "green" , i.e. not dead and hard, they could be soft enough to run over with the mower.
Others could be cut into smaller pieces and use the mowed stuff to cover them. This would be an excellent base material for a compost pile too.
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The secret is the soil.
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Any other suggestions?
If I put them into a large pile would they ever decay enough to be used for mulch or compost or something?
I cannot put them on the curb for removal as our town doesn't take these in the quatities that I have.
I am also afraid a large pile might attract some animals that would make the place their home.
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