REALLY BIG Philodendron cutting
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by Nako on July 04, 2004 12:32 AM
Well i got a cutting... Its bigger than I am o.O Was fun driving home with it though ^.^ there was a cop following me, and in my rearview mirror, it looked like a big hand waving at him lol.
Anywho, i didn't know Philodendrons had spots on the stems. That confused me, but i think its cool
So ya, i took the cutting at an angle, as close to the middle cluster as i could. I tried to get a nice stiff one that would definately hold up, and be healthy. I couldn't find one with air roots though >.< All the ones with air roots had multiple stems coming off of it, soooooooo ya, that would have gone past my permission.
So ya, i took the cutting home, found a pitcher, filled it with water, dipped the sliced end of the stem into rooting powder, and gently put the stem in the water, so as not to have the powder float to the top, like it always does >.<
Then i put the plant near my ficus so it would get some afternoon sun, but be shaded by the ficus.
Did i do the right thing?![[dunno]](im/graemlins/dunno.gif)
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Anywho, i didn't know Philodendrons had spots on the stems. That confused me, but i think its cool
So ya, i took the cutting home, found a pitcher, filled it with water, dipped the sliced end of the stem into rooting powder, and gently put the stem in the water, so as not to have the powder float to the top, like it always does >.<
Then i put the plant near my ficus so it would get some afternoon sun, but be shaded by the ficus.
Did i do the right thing?
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Nako's Webshots!

by Jiffymouse on July 05, 2004 05:43 PM
ok phoebe, just cause i couldn't answer your question... i am still interested in how the cutting is doing... please keep me posted on its condition!
by Nako on July 06, 2004 03:09 AM
okie dokie then ^.^
Well being cut off the original plant didn't seem to hurt it. Its been doing pretty well. I looked at the bottom of the stem in the pitcher, and the rooting hormone is all soaked into the severed point. If anything, the leave is turning towards the window more, causing the thing to tip a lil. So i had to tie it to the pitcher lol.
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Well being cut off the original plant didn't seem to hurt it. Its been doing pretty well. I looked at the bottom of the stem in the pitcher, and the rooting hormone is all soaked into the severed point. If anything, the leave is turning towards the window more, causing the thing to tip a lil. So i had to tie it to the pitcher lol.
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by Nako on July 09, 2004 04:33 AM
Okie dokie, i checked it again today, and there's lil thingies coming out of the bottom. I'm sure those are just severed parts that are kinda hangin around though. The bottom split open a bit, so i packed a lil bit of rooting powder into it, and redusted the rest of the bottom part.
I'm very surprised at how well this thing is doing o.O Its just sitting there, acting like its still part of a plant. The cutting didn't even seem to phase it. Its not drooping or anything! It likes to turn towards the window, so i put a lightbulb above it so it gets plenty of light from that. Doesn't turn as much anymore ^.^
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I'm very surprised at how well this thing is doing o.O Its just sitting there, acting like its still part of a plant. The cutting didn't even seem to phase it. Its not drooping or anything! It likes to turn towards the window, so i put a lightbulb above it so it gets plenty of light from that. Doesn't turn as much anymore ^.^
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by Jiffymouse on July 09, 2004 03:20 PM
by Nako on July 18, 2004 07:51 PM
well, now i'm confused. it's just sitting there, no roots, and in a pitcher full of water. shouldn't it have done something by now? like grown roots, shown signs of stress, died, grown, drank some of the water, or something like that?
Should i dust it with some more rooting powder? The stuff inside has all sank to the bottom. Should i clean it out and give it fresh water?
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Should i dust it with some more rooting powder? The stuff inside has all sank to the bottom. Should i clean it out and give it fresh water?
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by Nako on August 05, 2004 04:47 AM
Well *thinks* its still sitting there, just like before.. in a pitcher of water.... when's it supposed to root?
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by Will Creed on August 06, 2004 12:11 AM
The rooting powder is intended for use on cuttings inserted into potting soil. Even then its effects are minimal. Dump the water and replace it with fresh water. Don't waste your money on the rooting powder.
Do you have a "node" below the water line? If not, then it will not get roots.
Stem cuttings that are old (far down on the stem away from the growing tip) and thick take longer to root than thinner tip cuttings.
The rooting powder is intended for use on cuttings inserted into potting soil. Even then its effects are minimal. Dump the water and replace it with fresh water. Don't waste your money on the rooting powder.
Do you have a "node" below the water line? If not, then it will not get roots.
Stem cuttings that are old (far down on the stem away from the growing tip) and thick take longer to root than thinner tip cuttings.
by Nako on August 06, 2004 06:11 AM
Oh it won't root? Are you sure? Cuz i have a watermellon pepperomia that i cut that didn't have a node, and it rooted after 2 weeks. Its in my webshots, if ya wana see it.
But ya, the monstera is about 3 ft of stem, with a leave on the end. And the stem is around 1" on the end, and cut diagionally... well if it won't root i might as well see how long it'll last.
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But ya, the monstera is about 3 ft of stem, with a leave on the end. And the stem is around 1" on the end, and cut diagionally... well if it won't root i might as well see how long it'll last.
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by Will Creed on August 06, 2004 11:11 PM
A three foot section of stem without a node is unusual. If there is a node on the stem, just make sure that it is in water.
by Nako on August 07, 2004 02:10 AM
Is it any better if its actually around 4 ft?
I took some pictures with my dad's new digital camera. Don't tell him i touched it though *shhhhhh*
This is the leaf in its home. It gets light from a lightbulb all day, but the camera doesn't wana pick it up, so ya lol.
Here's the cutpoint. I cut it at an angle like a good girl
This is it up against my terarrium so you can see how big it is. I didn't put it stemdown, cuz i didn't want to get dirt or anything that could mess up the opening in it. See my catnip in the terarrium? Its going insane!

Here's those spots on the stem, and the pitcher its in. I used a flash so you could see all the detail.
And this is the part of the stem that's in the water. You can also see the groove that runs from the leave to the end of the stem.
I donno, i don't see a node >.<
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![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
I took some pictures with my dad's new digital camera. Don't tell him i touched it though *shhhhhh*

This is the leaf in its home. It gets light from a lightbulb all day, but the camera doesn't wana pick it up, so ya lol.

Here's the cutpoint. I cut it at an angle like a good girl

This is it up against my terarrium so you can see how big it is. I didn't put it stemdown, cuz i didn't want to get dirt or anything that could mess up the opening in it. See my catnip in the terarrium? Its going insane!

Here's those spots on the stem, and the pitcher its in. I used a flash so you could see all the detail.

And this is the part of the stem that's in the water. You can also see the groove that runs from the leave to the end of the stem.
I donno, i don't see a node >.<
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Nako's Webshots!

by weezie13 on August 07, 2004 06:10 AM
Can I butt in here for a second and ask a question????
Phoebe, you've got the name Monstera Philodendron posted....
Can I ask if it's this one,
Philodendron Selloum Hope one you've posted/???
You have to scroll all the way down to the bottom, and it's in the last row, 3rd one in or the middle one.
Just very curious??????????
Here's a picture of the plant you said,
Philodendron/Monstera deliciosa
That kind has holes in it inside the leaf???
And has sqare edges', the picture you posted, doesn't have those charactoristic's?????
Can you take a peak at it and look for me???
And Will's right on the rooting hormone, it's basically used for the slip dipped into it, and put into dirt.
FYI, if you're ever looking to root something in water, find some kind of WILLOW branch and stick it in the water with what ever you are trying to root... I understand, there is sometype of excretion from the branch that will go into the water to help the rooting process....
If you do this in the future will you let us know how it worked out???
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
Phoebe, you've got the name Monstera Philodendron posted....
Can I ask if it's this one,
Philodendron Selloum Hope one you've posted/???
You have to scroll all the way down to the bottom, and it's in the last row, 3rd one in or the middle one.
Just very curious??????????
Here's a picture of the plant you said,
Philodendron/Monstera deliciosa
That kind has holes in it inside the leaf???
And has sqare edges', the picture you posted, doesn't have those charactoristic's?????
Can you take a peak at it and look for me???
And Will's right on the rooting hormone, it's basically used for the slip dipped into it, and put into dirt.
FYI, if you're ever looking to root something in water, find some kind of WILLOW branch and stick it in the water with what ever you are trying to root... I understand, there is sometype of excretion from the branch that will go into the water to help the rooting process....
If you do this in the future will you let us know how it worked out???
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
by weezie13 on August 07, 2004 06:50 PM
Elephant Ear Philodendron
Philodendron care
Okay, what do you think of the pictures????
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
Philodendron care
Okay, what do you think of the pictures????
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
by Nako on August 07, 2004 07:34 PM
The elephant ear, and Selloum look much more like mine. I donno though, cuz mine's much bigger than the elephant ear, but doesn't have those ruffely leaves like the selloum.
I've actually known for a while now, but i decided that they would be treated the same ^.^ I couldn't figure out what it was called though, sooooooooooo ya, i didn't post it
Thank you though Weezie! And i will try that willow thing
There's a big willow stump outside my house that keeps producing shoots!
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I've actually known for a while now, but i decided that they would be treated the same ^.^ I couldn't figure out what it was called though, sooooooooooo ya, i didn't post it
Thank you though Weezie! And i will try that willow thing
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Nako's Webshots!

by Will Creed on August 09, 2004 02:25 AM
The photos showing the leaves did not come through very well. It's hard to ID your plant from seeing just the bare stem in the other photos. However, there are no nodes and I suspect that you have a leaf stem, not a stem with a node.
by Nako on August 09, 2004 05:45 AM
Well imagine a ball of dark brown fishnet. Then imagine a buncha leaves that look like mine sticking out of that ball of dark brown fishnet, and you got the main plant. I donno why it had the netting around it, but it was growing stems out of the middle. I could tell because there was a baby one showing up that i trid to grab earlier, but it just ended up being a tip of a leaf.
I'll try to brighten up those pictures later for ya mr. will.
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I'll try to brighten up those pictures later for ya mr. will.
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by Nako on August 14, 2004 07:47 PM
Hey, do you think if i stuck the end in soil, it would start making a whole other plant? I heard about doing that from stems, and i've seen pictures of some plants where the stem was stuck in soil, and at the end of the stem, you could see a whole new baby lil itty bitty plant growing!
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M'kay, here's the deal. Today, i got permission to take a cutting off of a monstera philodendrin standing in the corner. The thing's leaves are taller than i am lol.
Here's the problem. I donno where to cut
^.^ If i could get an answer before 5 PM tomorrow, that'd be so awesome! Thanks! *hops*
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