Tiff,Turf or Carpet Grass ?
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by Wizzard on December 31, 2005 09:42 PM
by sprkman11 on March 23, 2006 11:33 AM
I have some photos below and I hope one of you grass experts can give me some advise on what I have and how to eliminate the problem I have with two season and types of grass sharing the same area.
I believe this is the culprit in turning my tiff lawn into a mixed lawn is the larger bladed grass able to be killed off while preserving the finer bladed grass

This is the heavier type grass which is also in my front lawn and I would love to get rid of it without having to re sod for a whole new lawn.Alot of this foreign grass is coming from the mower of clipping of the grass in the immediate front of the sidewalk I suppose that is why I have so much within my tiff.

This is the tiff grass I believe and I wish to keep it. Is their a way to preserve this blade and get rid of the heavier blades as pictured above
This is what my lawn looks like now. Is there a way to kill off the secondary grass or do I need to hand pull the green overgrowing grass type.
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I think it needs some water...
I believe this is the culprit in turning my tiff lawn into a mixed lawn is the larger bladed grass able to be killed off while preserving the finer bladed grass

This is the heavier type grass which is also in my front lawn and I would love to get rid of it without having to re sod for a whole new lawn.Alot of this foreign grass is coming from the mower of clipping of the grass in the immediate front of the sidewalk I suppose that is why I have so much within my tiff.

This is the tiff grass I believe and I wish to keep it. Is their a way to preserve this blade and get rid of the heavier blades as pictured above

This is what my lawn looks like now. Is there a way to kill off the secondary grass or do I need to hand pull the green overgrowing grass type.
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I think it needs some water...
by sprkman11 on March 23, 2006 11:49 AM
Here Is the look I got going now. Not very appealing as you may agree. I have two types of grasses going on here. What are some solutions to this issue.

The grass in the front of the property is the culprit I plan to re sod it so the problem above dosent continue. Any suggestions would be welcomed.

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I think it needs some water...

The grass in the front of the property is the culprit I plan to re sod it so the problem above dosent continue. Any suggestions would be welcomed.

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I think it needs some water...
by johnCT on March 23, 2006 10:38 PM
What you mean by "tiff grass" I think is actually a variety of Bermuda Grass which I'm almost certain you have by the picture you posted. Types like tifway or tifdwarf, etc. It looks like you definitely have a mix of bermuda and some kind of cool season variety like KBG of Fescue. There is actually more then one type of grass in the first pic in your second post. The clump looks like Poa Annua, while the darker green that is in the second pic looks like kentucky bluegrass. Does it brown during the heat of summer?
The bermuda looks dormant and now may be the time to control your problem. When bermuda is dormant you can use a non-selective herbicide like round-up on it without harming it. It will kill the cool season type which is not dormant because glyphosate is a systemic herbicide that only works on actively growing plants. Dormant plants are not actively growing. This will be your only chance to eradicate the un-welcome grass in your yard. A word of warning though!!! The bermuda may be starting to come out of its winter dormancy now that it is spring and it may be better to wait until closer to mid-winter next year.
Either way, you may want to positively ID the grass types with the link I will post below.
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John - Zone 6
The bermuda looks dormant and now may be the time to control your problem. When bermuda is dormant you can use a non-selective herbicide like round-up on it without harming it. It will kill the cool season type which is not dormant because glyphosate is a systemic herbicide that only works on actively growing plants. Dormant plants are not actively growing. This will be your only chance to eradicate the un-welcome grass in your yard. A word of warning though!!! The bermuda may be starting to come out of its winter dormancy now that it is spring and it may be better to wait until closer to mid-winter next year.
Either way, you may want to positively ID the grass types with the link I will post below.
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John - Zone 6
by sprkman11 on March 24, 2006 11:40 AM
John, I appreciate your time in returning a helpful note to my post. I was wondering with what you did mention on if I could use a type of grass killer on just the affected areas with the fescue.I will research closer with the great link you provided me with, first I need a magnifiing glass thats for certain.
I will follow your warning on waiting till next season to fight the unwanted grass.
I suppose I would also need to replant a bermuda in the front as well so as to help eliminate this from occuring time and time again.
Thank you sir And your insight is much appreciated.
Sincerely, Mark
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I think it needs some water...
I will follow your warning on waiting till next season to fight the unwanted grass.
I suppose I would also need to replant a bermuda in the front as well so as to help eliminate this from occuring time and time again.
Thank you sir And your insight is much appreciated.
Sincerely, Mark
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I think it needs some water...
by johnCT on March 24, 2006 09:52 PM
Happy to help. I am still battling(3 years now) a similar problem with my KBG/PR lawn having been invaded by creeping bentgrass.
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John - Zone 6
quote:You could do that. A full scale renovation of the affected area. Kill off the whole area with the undesirable grass and re-seed with bermuda. That would help the cause. That grass is most likely spreading by creeping(Stolons and Rhizomes)AND by seed that gets scattered when you mow. If you kill it off before it goes to seed, you will help yourself. Use Round-up or another product containing glyphosate that will kill everything it's sprayed on that is actively growing. You could then re-seed within a week or so. Just read the product label carefully to be able to apply it properly.
Originally posted by sprkman11:
John, I appreciate your time in returning a helpful note to my post. I was wondering with what you did mention on if I could use a type of grass killer on just the affected areas with the fescue.
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John - Zone 6
Search The Garden Helper:
Has Anyone here heard of Tiff Grass its a fine bladed creeping grass that usually goes dormant in the temperatures of 40' C degrees or colder.
I was wondering if someone out their new of some good links for me to buy its seeds and possibly know how I can get large bladed grasses and other growths to keep from growing within my tiff,carpet grass. Any information would be much appreciated.
Sincerely, Mark
this is my front lawn and the tiff,turf or carpet grass. Its a wonderful soft grass.
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I think it needs some water...