How to Grow and Care for Algerian Ivy in your Garden
Hedera canariensis

April 10,1998
Powell Ranch wrote:
Have you ever heard of an Elephant Leaf Ivy plant? I had one years (& years) ago that I placed in my fireplace for summer decoration. It grew great and soon was as big as the fireplace (with no sunlite to speak of). Now I'm looking for another one & no one knows what I'm talking about. I bought it at a local fruit stand that carried a few plants, and now I'm wondering if that's just the name they made up for it. It looked & acted just like a normal house ivy plant with large (6inch) leaves.Algerian Ivy Care
The only ivy that I know of having 6 inch leaves would have to be Algerian ivy (Hedera canariensis). They will even get leaves which are 8 inches wide! Algerian ivy will do well as a potted house plant, or outdoors where it grows best in moist, highly organic soil in full sun to deep shade. There are many new hybrid varieties of Algerian ivy available today, ranging from simple variegation to cream white leaves. You will find them in different nurseries listed as Algerian ivy, Canary ivy, or Madeira ivy.
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