Care and Cultivation Guides
How to Grow your Favorite Perennial Plants and Flowers
Perennial plants are non-woody plants which grow and live for more than a single year. Perennials usually produce one or more flower crop each year, depending on the variety. Each blooming period may last anywhere from a week to a month... or longer. Spent flowers should be cut and removed from the plant promptly. Often this will promote a longer blooming period, but more importantly will allow the plants energy to be dedicated towards strengthening the plant rather than producing seed. Overgrown perennial plant clumps should be divided and transplanted every few years for the benefit of the parent plant as well as to produce additional healthy plants. These divisions will re-grow quickly and can be used to expand your garden further, trade with other gardeners, or just give them away to your friends!

Osteospermum barberae
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