How to Grow and Care for Burning Bush Plants in Your Garden
Dictamnus albus
The Burning Bush, or Gas Plant as it is sometimes called, earned it's name because of the phenomina created
by the fact that the leathery green leaves, flowers and seed pods give off a strong lemon scented vapor which,
on a calm summer night can be ignited with a match |
Growing Requirements for a Burning Bush
The Burning Bush is a shrubby, perennial herb that is hardy in USDA zones 3-7.
Gas Plants grow best in full sun, but will tolerate some light shade during the hottest summer months.
Burning Bushes are easily grown in almost any well draining garden soil,
but they will appreciate the addition of a small amount of lime at planting time.
Once established, these plants are very drought tolerant and maintenance free.
Mature Burning Bush plants will grow to 24 to 36 inches in height and width.
They produce an abundance of 1½"-2" white, pink, or purple flowers on 12" spikes in mid summer.
Dictamnus is a long lived plant (up to 50 years) that resents transplanting.
Choose your initial planting spot carefully so you won't have to transplant it later.
The new spring foliage of Gas Plants has a tendency to attract slugs and snails,
so take the proper precautions if you don't want your plant to be quickly ravaged by these awful creatures!
Growing Burning Bush Plants from Seed
Propagation of Burning Bush plants can only be accomplished by seed.
Fresh seeds should be planted ½" deep in the garden in late fall, for spring germination,
or the seeds can be started indoors, after chilling for 4-6 weeks in the refrigerator.
Maintain a temperature within the planting medium of 55°-60°.
Germination takes 30-40 days.
It will take up to four years for your seed grown Burning Bush to bloom,
so unless you are very patient gardener,
you are probably better off to purchase your plants from a good nursery. |
Burning Bush Dictamnus albus |
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