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How to Grow and Care for Blazing Star Plants

Liatris spicata

This plant grows best with full sun for most of the dayThis plant requires or will tolerate shade during the heat of the dayThis plant will tolerate some drought, but benefits from periodic wateringButterfly FlowerPink flowering plantblue flowering plantPurple flowering plantA photograph is availableHow to Use the Plant Care Icons at The Garden Helper
The Blazing Star plant, Liatris spicata is an interesting perennial that produces 1-3 foot spikes of
bright purplish-pink or white flowers in late June to early fall.
Blazing Stars are sometimes called Gayfeathers or Snakeroot plants.
They are an ideal plant to grow in your butterfly garden.

Growing Requirements for Liatris Plants

Blazing Star plants are hardy when grown in USDA zones 3-10
Liatris performs best when it is grown in full sun, but will tolerate a bit of light shade.
They do not like soggy soil during the winter months so good drainage is extremely important!
Once established, Gayfeathers are fairly drought tolerant plants.
Liatris may tend to develop mildew if they have insufficient sunlight and air circulation, so be sure to give them plenty of room.

Propagating Liatris Plants

Blazing Stars plants can easily be grown from seed which should be sown indoors at 65-75 degrees or directly into the garden in early spring.
Germination takes from 20 to 45 days.
Liatris plants will not bloom until their second year...
Blazing Stars can also be propagated by division.
Large Liatris clumps should be dug and divided in the Spring,
every three to four years.
The divisions, or other new Liatris plants should be planted
15 inches apart in rich, slightly sandy soil.
Blazing Star Plant
Liatris spicata
A Blazing Star Plant Blooming in the Garden, Liatris spicata A nice clump of Blazing Stars in the Garden The flower spike of a Blazing Star Plant

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