Popular Flowering Gift Plants |
Easter Lily Plants
Easter Lilies prefer a bright window, with fairly cool daytime temperatures of 60-65 degrees F. Easter Lilies prefer well-drained soil which is kept moderately moist, but avoid over-watering. In late May or early June you can transplant your lily outdoors.
More information on Growing and Caring for Easter Lilies
Azalea Plants
Azaleas like bright but indirect light, cool temperatures and moist soil. You can plant it in the garden or leave your Azalea in it's planter, place it outside in a shady protected area. In the fall, bring it back indoors and you may get a second flowering.
More information on Growing and Caring for Azaleas.htm |
Caladium Plants
Caladium is a frost tender, perennial tuber which is grown for its colorful foliage rather than flowers. The leaves are usually a combination of different shades of red, pink, green, white.
More information on Growing and Caring for Caladiums |
Chrysanthemum Plants
Chrysanthemums are just about the easiest of all of the perennials to grow. They will survive for a long time as a house plant, provided they receive sufficient light and water.They can be planted outdoors any time after all danger of freezing.
More information on Growing and Caring for Chrysanthemums |
Cineraria Plants
Cinerarias are tender perennials that are only hardy in USDA zones 9-11,so they are most grown as annual plants,
in greenhouses or as short lived, flowering house plants. They form 12"-24" tall, mounded clumps of bright green leaves which create a nice accent for the vividly colored flowers.
More information on Growing and Caring for Cinerarias |
Cyclamen Plants
The most important criteria for success with growing a Cyclamen are cool temperatures, fresh air, and ample moisture. They won't last long if the temperature goes above 65° during the day and 50° at night. Cyclamen said should be watered daily to keep the soil moist.
More information on Growing and Caring for Cyclamen |
Dish Gardens and Terrarium Gardens
Dish gardens should be planted in open, shallow containers. You can use bottles, jars, aquariums, fishbowls, or even brandy snifters for Terrariums. The size is only relevant to the extent of how many (or few) plants it will be able to support.
How to create and care for Dish Gardens
How to create and care for Terrariums |
Gardenia Plants
If you are growing your Gardenia as a potted plant indoors, keep it out of direct, hot sun, and allow it to only get bright light.
Gardenias should be planted in well conditioned soil containing peat moss and compost.
More information on Growing and Caring for Gardenias |
Gloxinia Plants
Gloxinias come in a wide range of colors, with variations in both foliage and flower forms.
They are tuberous plants which are usually grown as houseplants, but may also be grown in containers in a shaded part of the garden.
More information on Growing and Caring for Gloxinias |
Hydrangea Plants
Hydrangeas can be transplanted outside in a sunny, protected location.
Unless the pH of your garden's soil is close to pH of the soil in the planter, you can expect the flower color to be different next year!
More information on Growing and Caring for Hydrangeas |
Lily of the Valley Plants
Lily of the Valley (Convallaria majalis) bulbs will bloom in just 3-4 weeks if potted up at 65°.
Outdoors, the Lily of the Valley's sweetly scented flowers bloom in early spring. They like partial to full shade and is perfect for your shade garden. |
Peace Lily Plants
Peace lilies prefer bright filtered light, but will survive in low interior light. Peace lilies do best in a warm environment (68°-85° daytime temperature) with a 10° nighttime drop. When watering, it is very important to use room temperature water!
More information on Growing and Caring for Peace lilies |
Primrose Plants
Primroses provide you with early spring blooms in almost every color of the rainbow.
Primroses may be grown indoors if you are able to provide them with cool night temperatures of 50°-60° F., high humidity, filtered sun and moist soil.
More information on Growing and Caring for Primroses |
Reiger Begonia Plants
With proper care, Reiger Begonias will remain in bloom for several months.
Rieger Begonias need bright, filtered light, with maximum light in winter. An east window is usually ideal.
More information on Growing and Caring for Reiger Begonias |
Flowering Bulb Plants
Many Spring flowering bulbs may be potted up to give you an early bloom indoors, however the flowers may also bring with them a bad case of Spring Fever. Once the bulbs have finished flowering, remove the spent flowers and stems but continue to water and provide light for the foliage.
More information Forcing Spring flowering bulbs to bloom |