Plants and Flowers that are Able to Grow in Full Shade

Most garden stores and nurseries will only carry a very limited stock of Plants and Flowers that will grow in Deep Shade If you want to find the really unique and special shade plants, you will need to find a local nursery that specializes in shade plants and will be able to help you choose suitable shade plants for your area.
Common Name:
Algerian Ivy
Botanical Name: Hedera canariensis
Algerian Ivy's glossy 4-8" foliage and the vines ability to crawl, creep and climb just about anywhere makes this a great ground cover or privacy screen
Common Name:
Autumn Fern
Botanical Name: Dryopteris erythrosora
Height: 15-24"
USDA Zones: 5-9
The fronds of the Autumn Fern begin to emerge in early spring as a copper to reddish color and mature to dark green by mid summer. In the fall months, Autumn Ferns once again change colors. They should be planted in evenly moist, compost rich soil and grown where they will receive partial to full shade.
Common Name:
Bears Breeches
Botanical Name: Acanthus species
Height: 3-4 ft.
USDA Zones: 5-10
Bear's Breeches are huge, mound forming perennials with dramatic, deeply cut, bright green leaves that can reach one foot wide and two feet long. From late spring until mid summer, they produce impressive, 2-3 foot tall spikes of hooded, white or light pink flowers.
Common Name:
Begonia Rex
Botanical Name: Begonia rex-cultorum
Height: 4-12"
USDA Zones: 10-12
The Rex or Painted-Leaf Begonias are rhizomatous, clump forming, tender perennials that are normally grown as house plants. Their leaves vary considerably in texture, size, shape, patterns and colors. The inconspicuous, small, pink or white flowers may appear at any time of the year
Common Name:
Black Mondo Grass
Botanical Name: Ophiopogon planiscapus
Height: 6-12"
USDA Zones: 5-9
Black Mondo Grass grows as neat, slowly spreading, 4" tufts of ¼" wide, sweetly fragrant, straplike leaves. New foliage emerges dark green in spring then changes to dark purplish-black by summer.Loose spikes of small, light pink or white, bell shaped flowers appear in mid summer.
Common Name:
Bleeding Heart
Botanical Name: Dicentra spectabilis
Height: 2-3 ft.
USDA Zones: 3-9
Bleeding Heart is a mound forming plant with finely cut, fern-like foliage on graceful 2-3 foot arching stems topped with pretty, heart shaped, 1" flowers in late spring or early summer. Excellent plants for any shade garden or woodland setting
Common Name:
Blue Bugleweed
Botanical Name: Ajuga genevensis
Height: 4-6"
USDA Zones: 3-9
Typical Ajuga with 8" blue flowers in the Spring. Deer Resistant ground cover
Common Name:
Blue Corydalis
Botanical Name: Corydalis flexuosa
Height: 12-18"
USDA Zones: 5-9
Blue Corydalis is a slow growing, evergreen perennial that will eventually form a dense 18" clump of elegant, 12" tall, lace-like green foliage. Eighteen inch spikes of dangling, tubular, sky blue flowers will adorn the plant from late spring until fall in regions with cool summers
Common Name:
Brass Buttons
Botanical Name: Leptinella squalida
Height: 1-2"
USDA Zones: 5-9
The interesting feathery, fern like foliage of the New Zealand Brass Buttons may give the impression that it is a delicate plant, but in reality, it is a tough enough ground cover that it can take light foot traffic and is even used as a lawn substitute in many areas.
Common Name:
Brazilian Plume Flower
Botanical Name: Justicia carnea
Height: 3-5 ft.
USDA Zones: 9-10
The Brazilian Plume Flower is a shade loving, tropical evergreen perennial shrub with large deep green leaves.
It produces a never ending show of large spikes of brightly colored, tubular flowers from spring to fall.
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Ajuga reptens
Height: 4-6"
USDA Zones: 3-9
Ajuga grows well in full shade to full sun and tolerates a wide range of soil conditions as long as soil is well drained.
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Cornus canadensis
Height: 4-6"
USDA Zones: 3-8
Bunchberry Dogwoods are probably the ultimate ground cover plants for growing in moist, woodland areas or in your shade garden. These short, bright green plants only reach six inches tall. They produce bright red berries that are eaten by many species of wild birds.
Common Name:
Coastal Wood Fern
Botanical Name: Dryopteris arguta
Height: 18-24"
USDA Zones: 4-8
Coastal Wood Ferns can be grown in most average garden soils as long as it is well draining. They grow best in partial or full shade, but can be grown in full sun if they are kept moist.
Common Name:
Black Mondo Grass
Botanical Name: Ophiopogon planiscapus
Height: 6-12"
USDA Zones: 5-9
Black Mondo Grass grows as neat, slowly spreading, 4" tufts of ¼" wide, sweetly fragrant, straplike leaves. New foliage emerges dark green in spring then changes to dark purplish-black by summer.Loose spikes of small, light pink or white, bell shaped flowers appear in mid summer.
Common Name:
Bleeding Heart
Botanical Name: Dicentra spectabilis
Height: 2-3 ft.
USDA Zones: 3-9
Bleeding Heart is a mound forming plant with finely cut, fern-like foliage on graceful 2-3 foot arching stems topped with pretty, heart shaped, 1" flowers in late spring or early summer. Excellent plants for any shade garden or woodland setting
Common Name:
Blue Bugleweed
Botanical Name: Ajuga genevensis
Height: 4-6"
USDA Zones: 3-9
Typical Ajuga with 8" blue flowers in the Spring. Deer Resistant ground cover
Common Name:
Blue Corydalis
Botanical Name: Corydalis flexuosa
Height: 12-18"
USDA Zones: 5-9
Blue Corydalis is a slow growing, evergreen perennial that will eventually form a dense 18" clump of elegant, 12" tall, lace-like green foliage. Eighteen inch spikes of dangling, tubular, sky blue flowers will adorn the plant from late spring until fall in regions with cool summers
Common Name:
Brass Buttons
Botanical Name: Leptinella squalida
Height: 1-2"
USDA Zones: 5-9
The interesting feathery, fern like foliage of the New Zealand Brass Buttons may give the impression that it is a delicate plant, but in reality, it is a tough enough ground cover that it can take light foot traffic and is even used as a lawn substitute in many areas.
Common Name:
Brazilian Plume Flower
Botanical Name: Justicia carnea
Height: 3-5 ft.
USDA Zones: 9-10
The Brazilian Plume Flower is a shade loving, tropical evergreen perennial shrub with large deep green leaves.
It produces a never ending show of large spikes of brightly colored, tubular flowers from spring to fall.
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Ajuga reptens
Height: 4-6"
USDA Zones: 3-9
Ajuga grows well in full shade to full sun and tolerates a wide range of soil conditions as long as soil is well drained.
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Cornus canadensis
Height: 4-6"
USDA Zones: 3-8
Bunchberry Dogwoods are probably the ultimate ground cover plants for growing in moist, woodland areas or in your shade garden. These short, bright green plants only reach six inches tall. They produce bright red berries that are eaten by many species of wild birds.
Common Name:
Coastal Wood Fern
Botanical Name: Dryopteris arguta
Height: 18-24"
USDA Zones: 4-8
Coastal Wood Ferns can be grown in most average garden soils as long as it is well draining. They grow best in partial or full shade, but can be grown in full sun if they are kept moist.
Common Name:
Creeping Buttercup
Botanical Name: Ranunculus repans
Height: 9-12"
USDA Zones: 8-11
In many places, especially my gardens, Creeping Buttercups are considered to be a noxious and invasive weed! However, they may have their place in a poorly drained, shady area of your garden. They have green, deeply cut, snowflake foliage and bright yellow flowers in spring.
Common Name:
Creeping Lily Turf
Botanical Name: Liriope spicata
Height: 8-10"
USDA Zones: 4-10
Creeping Lily Turf is a grass like ground cover that grows as spreading clumps of fine, dark green leaves that turn to bronze-green in the winter. Lily Turf produces spikes of tiny flowers in late summer, followed by dark blue berries in late fall.
Common Name:
Deer Fern
Botanical Name: Blechnum spicant
Height: 18-24"
USDA Zones: 5-8
Deer Ferns resemble miniature Sword ferns but smaller with rounded fronds. They are drought tolerate but do best if kept damp
Common Name:
English Ivy
Botanical Name: Hedera helix
Fast growing, hardy evergreen vine for shade or partial sun, good for screening, ground cover, erosion control
Common Name:
Fairy Wings
Botanical Name: Epimedium
Height: 6-20"
USDA Zones: 4-8
Fairy Wings (Bishops Cap) will survive in one of the most difficult situations in the garden; the dry shade beneath a tree.
Common Name:
False Aralia
Botanical Name: Schefflera elegantissima
Height: 4-6 ft.
USDA Zones: 10-12
False Aralias are small, tropical evergreen trees that are native to the islands of the South Pacific. In their native environment, Schefflera elegantissima can grow up to 26 feet tall, but when grown in pots or planters they seldom reach more than 4-6 feet tall.
Common Name:
False Spirea
Botanical Name: Astilbe chinensis
Height: 6-24"
USDA Zones: 6
The fern like foliage and the showy plume flowers of False Spirea make them a favorite summer flowering perennial.
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Fatshedera lizei
Fatshedera is a hardy evergreen, non climbing vine that is the result of the cross between Fatsia japonica and Hedera helix. Fatshedera tends to grow upwards a few feet before falling and creeping across the ground
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Erigeron glaucus
Height: 6"-10"
USDA Zones: 3-10
Clump forming, small spoon shaped leaves; Daisy-like pink flowers
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Tiarella cordifolia
Height: 6-10"
USDA Zones: 3-8
Foamflowers are easy to grow, perennial wildflowers that form 6"-10" tall clumps of heart shaped leaves. They quickly spread to form nice two foot patches of this shade loving groundcover. Tiarella produce whispy plumes of creamy white or pale pink, ¼" star shaped flowers.
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Myosotis palustris
Height: 3-8"
USDA Zones: 3-9
Dense mat of small green leaves covered with tiny blue flowers.
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Fuchsia
Height: 1-4 ft.
USDA Zones: 7-10
Fuchsia care is often determined by where you live and your climate. Fuchsias can be seed grown or struck from softwood cuttings. Not all varieties are hardy
Common Name:
Botanical Name: 8-12"
Height: Sinningia hybridus
USDA Zones: 10-12
Gloxinias come in a wide range of colors, with variations in both foliage and flower forms. They are tuberous plants which are usually grown as houseplants, but may also be grown in containers in a shaded part of the garden.
Common Name:
Golden Loosestrife
Botanical Name: Lysimachia punctata
Height: 3-4 ft.
USDA Zones: 5-10
Golden Loosestrife is an excellent plant for bog gardens or next to ponds and streams. This 3-4 foot tall perennial has light green, 3" leaves with serrated edges. In the summer, they produce abundant spikes of star shaped, golden yellow flowers, tinged in red at the base.
Common Name:
Ground Ivy
Botanical Name: Glechoma hederacea
Height: 2-3"
USDA Zones: Hardy
Ground Ivy is an aggressively growing, evergreen ground cover. It will survive almost anywhere that there is sufficient moisture. The five inch spikes of tiny orchid-like flowers appear continuously from March through July
Common Name:
Hart's Tongue Fern
Botanical Name: Asplenium scolopendrium
Height: 24-30"
USDA Zones: 6-8
Unlike most other ferns, tropical looking Hart's Tongue Fern has strap-like undivided fronds. These glossy green ferns are native to most areas of the world with alkaline soil. Keep the soil evenly moist. Hart's Tongue Ferns are well suited for growing as a container plant.
Common Name:
Irish Moss
Botanical Name: Sagina subulata
Height: <1"
USDA Zones: 5-10
Irish Moss is an excellent terrarium plant. Mosses grow primarily in lightly shaded areas. Thousands of tiny Moss plants will bunch together to make a single patch of moss.
Common Name:
Jack in the Pulpit
Botanical Name: Arisaema species
Height: 12-30"
USDA Zones: vary
Jack in the Pulpits are distinctive, woodland wildflowers that are native to North America and parts of Asia. In spring to early summer, tiny, insignificant flowers form on the spadix (Jack), hidden down inside the hooded spathe (The Pulpit), which emerges from the middle of the foliage.
Common Name:
Jacob's Ladder
Botanical Name: Polemonium
Height: 6-36"
USDA Zones: 2-9
Clump forming perennials that grow in swirling rosettes of bright green or variegated, fern-like foliage. Produces loose clusters of tubular or bell shaped flowers. Plants go completely dormant in the winter but quickly re-emerge in early spring.
Common Name:
Japanese Aralia
Botanical Name: Fatsia japonica
Height: 6-8 ft.
USDA Zones: 8-11
Japanese Aralias are one of the easiest of all shade garden or house plants to grow and care for. They have large dark green, palmate leaves and form tropical looking, evergreen shrubs that can grow up to 6-8 feet tall and 6 feet wide.
Common Name:
Japanese Painted Fern
Botanical Name: Athyrium niponicum 'Pictum'
Height: 12-15"
USDA Zones: 4-8
The slow spreading Japanese Painted Fern is probably the most decorative of all ferns. The fronds are tri-colored blends of silver, pink and green, standing above burgundy stems. Japanese Painted Ferns should be grown in full shade to partial shade, where soil is moist but well-drained.
Common Name:
Japanese Sedge Grass
Botanical Name: Carex morrowii 'Variegata'
Height: 1 ft.
USDA Zones: 5-9
Japanese Sedge Grass is a semi-evergreen vigorous grower that will grow in full shade and even tolerates full sun in cool climates. This sedge is great for growing in container.
Common Name:
Japanese Spurge
Botanical Name: Pachysandra terminalis
Height: 6-10"
USDA Zones: 5-9
Pachysandra is a very easy to care for, durable, low growing, mat forming, slow spreading ground cover plant that grow on thick, unbranched stems to about 6" tall in partial shade and 10" in deep shade.
Common Name:
Licorice Fern
Botanical Name: Polypodium glycyrrhiza
Height: 12-18"
USDA Zones: 5-9
Licorice Ferns are attractive, epiphytic plants that are primarily found growing with mosses on rotting logs or in Bigleaf Maple trees. They are fairly difficult to grow without a rotting log to plant them in. Licorice Ferns grow best partial to full shade, but will tolerate very short periods of bright sun. Generally they require moist soil, but they will tolerate brief periods of drought.
Common Name:
Lily Turf
Botanical Name: Liriope muscari
Height: 18"
USDA Zones: 6-10
Lily Turf are relatively slow spreading plants that eventually form large, 24"-30" wide clumps of loose, 18" tall, ½" wide leaves. Lily Turf plants form 6"-8", spikelike clusters of ¼", white or purple flowers in late summer.
Common Name:
Maidenhair Fern
Botanical Name: Adiantum raddianum
Height: 12"
USDA Zones: 10-12
Delta Maidenhair Ferns are elegant, fast growing, evergreen foliage plants with delicate, lacy fronds that are held on wiry, 6"-12" black stems. Maidenhair fronds are composed of bright green, triangular leaflets and can grow up to 12" wide and 18" long.
Common Name:
Maidenhair Spleenwort
Botanical Name: Asplenium trichomanes
Height: 4-7"
USDA Zones: 3-9
The Maidenhair Spleenwort is a rhizomous, low growing, creeping fern that forms dense tufted rosettes of deep green fronds on black, wire-like stems. In nature, Maidenhair Spleenworts grow in shady rock cervices and rocky, calcium rich (limestone) soil. They require constant moisture and good drainage.
Common Name:
Miniature Daisy
Botanical Name: Bellium mimutum
Height: 2"
USDA Zones: 6-9
The Miniature Daisy plant is a vigorous growing, mat forming perennial with dense, bright green, 1" spoon shaped foliage. They only grow 2" tall, but spread to about 18". From late spring through summer, they cover themselves with tiny, ½" Daisy flowers on wirey stems.
Common Name:
Mondo Grass
Botanical Name: Ophiopogon japonicus
Height: 6-10"
USDA Zones: 6-9
Mondo grass slowly forms tight, 24" matted clumps of 8"-12" long, 1/8" wide, bright green, grass-like foliage.
Spikes of small, lavender or light purple flowers appear in the late summer
Common Name:
Monkey Flower
Botanical Name: Mimulus hybridus
The Monkey Flower is a colorful, easy to grow addition to the shaded areas of your garden. This plant grows well in containers and can be grown as a house plant
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Many Species
Height: <1"
USDA Zones: 1-8
Mosses grow naturally in most temperate areas of the world. They are primarily found growing in lightly shaded areas or where there are periods of sun in the morning or late afternoon. Very usable for creating a terrarium!
Common Name:
Norfolk Island Pines
Botanical Name: Araucaria heterophylla
Height: 6+ ft.
USDA Zones: 10-11
The beauty and symmetry as well as the soft flowing texture of the foliage will make you want to decorate your Norfolk Pine and use it as a living Christmas tree!
Common Name:
Oak Fern
Botanical Name: Gymnocarpium dryopteris
Height: 5-12"
USDA Zones: 3-9
Oak Ferns spread by non-aggressive, underground rhizomes forming a nice delicate looking ground cover in your woodland setting. Oak ferns should be grown in evenly moist, compost rich soil and planted where it will grow in partial to full shade.
Common Name:
Oregon Grape
Botanical Name: Mahonia aquifolium
Height: 3-6 ft.
USDA Zones: 5-9
Oregon Grape is a deer resistant, low maintenance, durable, evergreen shrub with glossy green, holly like foliage. It produces spikey clusters of Butterfly attracting, bright yellow flowers in the spring, followed by bluish-black berries to feed the birds.
Common Name:
Pacific Maidenhair Fern
Botanical Name: Adiantum pedatum
Height: 18-24"
USDA Zones: 3-8
The Pacific Maidenhair Fern can add a bit of graceful elegance to any partial to fully shaded area of your garden. The fronds emerge in early spring on black, wire-like stems that reach 18-24 inches. Your Pacific Maidenhair should be planted in a rich, humus soil and provided with constant, even moisture.
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Vinca
Height: 6"
USDA Zones: 4-9
Periwinkles are fast growing, evergreen ground cover plants with opposing pairs of glossy dark green or variegated, oblong to lance shaped, 1½"-3" leaves. They produce an abundance of single, 1"-2" funnel shaped flowers with five flared and flattened petals.
Common Name:
Scouler's Corydalis
Botanical Name: Corydalis scouleri
Height: 3 ft.
USDA Zones: 7-9
Corydalis scouleri is a perennial wildflower that is native to western Washington, Oregon and parts of southwestern British Columbia. Scouler's Corydalis will gradually form a 3 foot clump of 3 foot stems of light green, lace-like foliage. Spikes of hot pink, tubular flowers appear in late spring and continue into summer.
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Primula
Height: 6-12"
USDA Zones: vary
Hundreds of species and varieties suitable for a wide range of garden uses. Dwarf varieties are best for rock gardens
Common Name:
Rainbow Leucothoe
Botanical Name: Leucothoe fontanesiana
Height: 3-5 ft.
USDA Zones: 5-8
Rainbow Leucothoe is an easy to care for, slow growing, 3-5 ft. multi-stemmed evergreen shrub, with glossy, variegated 3-4" leaves. Good as an accent plant or for boggy areas.
Common Name:
Rockery Orchid
Botanical Name: Pleione bulbocodioides
Height: 3"
USDA Zones: 8-10
Produces a single 3 inch orchid flower in early Spring, followed by a single 6 inch leaf; tough to grow, but very rewarding
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Rodgersia aesculifolia
Height: 18-30"
USDA Zones: 5-9
The Fingerleaf Rodgersia is a large, imposing, moisture loving plant that will stand out, no matter where you plant it in your garden. Rodgersias produce their long lasting, fluffy plumes of tiny, star shaped, light pink or white flowers beginning in late spring and continuing until mid summer.
Common Name:
Rue Anemone
Botanical Name: Anemonella thalictroides
Height: 6-12"
USDA Zones: 4-9
The slow growing Rue Anemone is a slow growing, tuberous, woodland wildflower. It produces dainty pink blooms with the first wave of wildflowers in the spring.
Common Name:
Solomon's Seal
Botanical Name: Polygonatum multiflorum
Height: 2-3 ft.
USDA Zones: 5-9
The Solomon's Seal is a shade loving, deciduous perennial that produces large, slow spreading clumps of arching, three feet stems lined with pairs of bright green leaves. In late spring, clusters of 2-5 elongated bell shaped, greenish-white flowers will hang beneath each pair of leaves.
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Tradescantia x andersoniana
Height: 18-24"
USDA Zones: 4-9
Spiderworts are clump forming perennials that from early through mid-summer continuously produce butterfly attracting, 1"-1½", three petaled, triangular, flowers on stems that rise slightly above the narrow, strap-like foliage.
Common Name:
Spotted Deadnettles and Lamiums
Botanical Name: Lamium species
Height: 4"-24"
USDA Zones: 6-10
Spotted Deadnettle is a spreading, semi-evergreen member of the mint family. They are known for their beautiful silver and green variegation patterns in the textured foliage and spires of dainty, hooded flowers in early summer
Common Name:
Spotted Lungwort
Botanical Name: Pulmonaria officinalis
Height: 8-12"
USDA Zones: 6-9
Spotted Lungwort is a clumping, evergreen perennial that is known for its pretty, marbled foliage and brilliantly colored spikes of nodding flowers that appear in early spring and last for several weeks
Common Name:
Tassle Fern
Botanical Name: Polystichum polyblepharum
Height: 18-24"
USDA Zones: 5-8
Tassle Ferns are very showy and easy to grow. Their dark green fronds grow in a very symetrical, rosette form. The stiff stems are covered with soft, copper-brown hairs. Tassle Ferns should be planted in compost rich, evenly moist soil in a area with partial to full shade.
Common Name:
Toad Lily
Botanical Name: Tricyrtis hirta
Height: 30-36"
USDA Zones: 4-9
The Common Toad Lily is an easy to care for, slow spreading, clump forming perennial with 4"-6", deep green leaves alternating along multiple, 30"-36" upright, arching stems. Tricyrtis hirta produces loose clusters of awesome Toad flowers at each node along the stem.
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Trillium grandiflorum
Height: 8-24"
USDA Zones: 3-7
Trilliums are shade loving, spring blooming perennial woodland wildflowers. They have three dark green, single layer leaves below a green three leaf whorl, below their large three petal flower. Trilliums will most likely perish if their foliage is cut from the plant
Common Name:
Western Sword Fern
Botanical Name: Polystichum munitum
Height: 3-5 ft.
USDA Zones: 5-9
Native to the coastal forests of North America, this large, easy to grow fern grows best when planted in compost rich soil in a cool, shady, moist garden location. Western Sword Ferns are deer resistant and suitable for growing in the acidic soil found beneath Cedar Trees and other conifers.
Common Name:
Wax Begonia
Botanical Name: Begonia semperflorens
Height: 6-12"
USDA Zones: 9-11
Dwarf varieties of Wax Begonia grow from 6"-8" tall. Tall varieties grow from 10"-12" tall. They have succulent stems and waxy, deep green to dark mahogany colored foliage, and they produce loose clusters of single or double, white, pink or red flowers from early May until October.
Common Name:
Wild Ginger
Botanical Name: Asarum species
Height: 6-10"
USDA Zones: 5-9
Wild Gingers are low growing, woodland perennials that are known for their showy, Cyclamen-like, heart shaped foliage and their very unique, three lobed flowers that hide from view below the foliage.
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