The Garden Helper's Plant of the Day ArchiveThe Plants of the Day for March 2011Below you will find an index of all the plants that have been profiled as aPlant of the Day at The Garden Helper and The Gardener's Forum |
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March 1, 2011![]() Statice Limonium sinuatum Statice is a drought tolerant, tender perennial which is normally considered to be an annual plant. Statice has been cultivated since the mid 17th century, primarily as a garden flower, but also as an herb which was used for the treatment of dysentary as well as other ailments. Annual Plant |
March 2, 2011![]() Wallflower Erysimum linifolium The Wallflower is an old-fashioned, perennial garden flower, usually grown as an annual because it tends to 'bloom itself to death'. It produces a profusion of fragrant, brightly colored flowers all spring making it an excellent choice for your butterfly garden. Hardy in USDA zones 6-10 |
March 3, 2011![]() Zinnia Zinnia elegans Zinnias are very easy to grow annual plants that produce an abundance of bright and often multi colored, 1-7", single or double flowers from early summer until the first frost. There are hundreds of different Zinnia hybrids on the market, and more are being added each year. Annual Plant |
March 4, 2011![]() Purple Wood Spurge Euphorbia amygdaloides Purple Wood Spurge is an upright growing, evergreen perennial, with stiff, purplish-green leaves spiral outward around thick, burgundy colored stems. Upright clusters of greenish-gold flowers appear from mid spring until early summer. Hardy in USDA zones 5-9 |
March 5, 2011![]() Tropicana Rose Roses are very heavy feeders, so you should feed them as soon as the new growth appears, and then then again after the first heavy bloom using a 5-10-5 fertilizer or commercial rose food. The methods and timing of Rose pruning is pretty much determined by the type of rose that you are dealing with... Hardy in USDA zones 5-10 |
March 6, 2011![]() Butterfly Flower Schizanthus wisetonensis The 1½" orchid like flowers of a Butterfly Flower contrast beautifully against the soft, finely cut foliage of this annual plant from the mountains of Chile. The Butterfly Flower plant, which is related to the Petunia, is often called the Poor Man's Orchid. Annual Plant |
March 7, 2011![]() Salal Gaultheria shallon Salal are low growing evergreen shrubs with thick, leathery, dark green foliage that is often used for flower arrangements. Spikes of pretty, urn-shaped flowers are produced on reddish, 6" stalks in the spring and form dark purple berries for the birds to eat in the fall and winter months. Hardy in USDA zones 5-9 |
March 8, 2011![]() Creeping Zinnia Sanvitalia speciosa Creeping Zinnias are low growing, annual groundcover plants that are excellent for borders or rock gardens. They can also be grown in planters or hanging baskets. Sanvitalia produce hundreds of dark centered, bright yellow, ¾"-1" flowers from early summer until the first frosts of fall. Annual Plant |
March 9, 2011![]() False Spirea Astilbe chinensis The fern like foliage and the showy plume flowers of False Spirea make them a favorite summer flowering perennial. The flower plumes appear in June and July. The foliage stays attractive through the summer, making them very effective as a border plant, in the shade garden, or at the side of your garden pond. Hardy in USDA zones 6-10 | ||
March 10, 2011![]() False Rock Cress Aubrieta deltoidea False Rock Cress is a vigorous growing, mat forming, semi-evergreen ground cover that is excellent as a rock garden plant, for planting between stepping stones, along pathways, or in the crevices of stone walls. Tolerant of a wide range of conditions, and will reward you with a long lasting cover of delicate flowers in early Spring.. Hardy in USDA zones 4-9 |
March 11, 2011![]() Cockscomb Celosia argentea Cockscomb Celosia is an annual plant that is native to the tropics. This is a great plant for adding both color and texture to your garden from mid summer until the first frost! Celosias are low maintenance plants and mostly pest and problem free. Do not plant Celosias in the garden until the soil has warmed sufficiently. Annual Plant |
March 12, 2011![]() Butterfly Bush Buddleia davidii The Butterfly Bush is a fast growing, drought tolerant, deciduous shrub that will produce a multitude of clustering, arching spikes of tiny, fragrant flowers in late summer on branches that will sometimes reach 15' tall. Butterfly Bushes will grow in almost any soil if they are planted in full sun or light shade. Hardy in USDA zones 5-9 |
March 13, 2011![]() Red Twig Dogwood Cornus stolonifera Dogwood plants form multi-stemmed shrubs that produce clusters of tiny white flowers in the Spring. Berries appear later and remain until winter to provide a treat for the birds. The foliage turns to a deep crimson red in the fall. After the leaves drop in early winter the stems turn to a bright red, creating a dramatic silouette in your garden Hardy in USDA zones 3-10 |
March 14, 2011![]() Ozark Sundrop Oenothera missouriensis The Ozark Sundrop is an easy to grow trailing plant that will grow 6"-10" tall and form a 24" clump. The sweetly scented yellow flowers are 4"-5". The lance-like, light green leaves are soft and velvety. This night blooming plant will produce a succession of short lived blooms from late spring until mid summer if the dead flowers are removed promptly. Hardy in USDA zones 5-9 | ||
March 15, 2011![]() Siberian Iris Iris siberica Siberian Irises typically bloom during late May and into June in colors ranging from white to shades of blue and purple. They are very durable and extremely hardy plants. Siberian Iris Plants quickly form large clumps of 2-4 ft., deciduous, grass-like foliage. Clusters containing 2-5 blooms emerge on stems that may reach 5 ft. tall! Hardy in USDA zones 4-9 |
March 16, 2011![]() Nasturtium Tropaeolum majus Once established, Nasturtium plants take little or no care. As they spread and grow, their foliage resembles a sea of small lily pad leaves topped with brightly colored, fragrant, edible 2" blossoms. Dwarf varieties will grow to 15" tall as they form nice compact clumps. Climbing varieties grow up to 8 ft. Annual Plant |
March 17, 2011![]() Shamrock Oxalis oregona Shamrock plants are easy to grow bulbs, but they do have a few cultivation requirements. Shamrocks grow best when the receive cool fresh air, are growing in moist soil and receive bright light but not direct sun. Your potted Shamrock plant will need a couple rest periods every year to continue growing their best. Hardy in USDA zones 8-10 |
March 18, 2011![]() Russell Lupine Lupinus hybrid Russell Lupines were developed by a gardener named George Russell, who held a fascination for growing Lupines. In the 1930s, he began collecting seeds from his plants. In 1937, he released his first batch of seeds to the public. Their beautiful foliage and brightly colored, 3 ft. spikes of flowers made them an immediate success! Hardy in USDA zones 3-9 |
March 19, 2011![]() Peony Paeonia lactiflora The Peony has been cultivated in home gardens for over 600 years. Peony clumps may survive for up to as long as 50 years, so it is advisable to prepare the growing site very thoroughly before planting. Once established in the garden, Peony plants are reasonably free from maintenance and problems. Hardy in USDA zones 3-8 | ||
March 20, 2011![]() Chocolate Cosmos Cosmos atrosanguineus The dark maroon flowers of a Chocolate Cosmos plant appear on wirey 18 inch stems from June until frost and produce a pleasant chocolate scent, especially on warm evenings. Chocolate Cosmos can also be grown in containers provided that a high quality planting mix is used. Hardy in USDA zones 7-10 |
March 21, 2011![]() Self Heal Prunella laciniata Self Heal is a creeping perennial that grows to a height of 3-6 inches, but will produce an abundance of 8-12 inch spikes of blossoms from May through July. Prunella spreads by creeping stems that readily root at each node that contacts the ground, making this plant a very useful as a ground cover plant. Hardy in USDA zones 6-9 |
March 22, 2011![]() Rose Daphne Daphne cneorum Rose Daphne is a low growing evergreen shrub that produces its main flush of fragrant blooms in the spring and will often produce more flowers throughout the summer months. This small shrub is excellent as a ground cover, rock garden plant or for growing in containers. Hardy in USDA zones 4-8 |
March 23, 2011![]() Mexican Aster Cosmos bipinnatus The Mexican Aster aka: Tall Cosmos is easily recognized by it's upright, feathery foliage and pastel colored flowers that encircle a bright yellow center from July until frost. These fast growers can easily reach a height of five feet. Tall Cosmos plants are extremely easy to grow from seed. Annual Plant |
March 24, 2011![]() Montbretia Crocosmia crocosmiiflora Crocosmia are easy to grow, corm type plants that are related to the Gladiola, Iris and Crocus. They produce 36" stalks of brilliantly colored, tube shaped 2" flowers that open sequentially up the stem from July until the first frost of fall. Montbretia are a favorite flower of Hummingbirds and Butterflies Hardy in USDA zones 7-11 | ||
March 25, 2011![]() Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla Hydrangeas need an abundance of water (hydrangea means water tub in Greek), partial to full sun,and very rich soil. Fertilize them liberally in the spring using a good all purpose plant food. Hydrangeas are natures own little pH tester. In acid soil the blooms will be blue, pink flowers in alkaline soil, and white in neutral. Hardy in USDA zones 8-11 |
March 26, 2011![]() English Lavender Lavandula angustifolia Lavender prefers lots of sun but will tolerate a limited amount of shade. Well-drained soil is essential, otherwise the foliage will yellow. Lavender plants should be pruned back immediately after blooming to keep the plant compact and neat. Older, woody plants can be cut back half way when new growth begins in spring. Hardy in USDA zones 6-9 |
March 27, 2011![]() Sweet Pea Lathyrus odoratus The Sweet Pea has long been a favorite of gardeners because of the wonderful fragrance of the clusters of two inch, bright blue, pink, purple, red or white flowers. Sweet Peas grow and bloom best in cool, mild climates. Sweet Pea plants should be grown in rich, moist, slightly alkaline soil. Annual Plant |
March 28, 2011![]() Moss Rose Portulaca grandiflora Nothing beats the non-stop showing of vibrant flower colors that the annual Moss Rose provides all summer long. The flowers may be either single or double ruffled blossoms in many colors and color combinations. Moss Roses are extremely heat and drought tolerant Annual Plant |
March 29, 2011![]() Shrubby Cinquefoil Potentilla fruticosa Shrubby Cinquefoil are a small, low maintenance, deciduous shrubs which are an excellent addition to a Butterfly Garden, or for areas where deer are a problem. Yellow or pink buttercup-like flowers appear on this 1-4 foot tall shrub in June and continue to brighten your landscape until the first frosts of Fall. Hardy in USDA zones 2-7 | ||
March 30, 2011![]() Sedum 'Autumn Joy' Sedum telephium Sedum Autumn Joy is a low maintenance, clump forming, succulent perennial plant with waxy, grey green foliage. Four inch clusters of tiny, star shaped flowers appear from mid summer until mid fall. Make certain that your Sedum plants have excellent soil drainage, if not, they will drown, plain and simple. Hardy in USDA zones 4-10 |
March 31, 2011![]() Sea Holly Eryngium bourgatii Sea Holly is a uniquely ornamental plant that is a favorite of many species of butterfly. The prickly foliage is variegated green and white. Silvery blue, thistle like flowers form along a two foot spike. Hardy in USDA zones 4-8 |
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