How to Grow and Care for New Zealand Brass Buttons
Leptinella squalida
12" rosette forming plant with bi-colored olive green above, purple below leaves. Needs bright indirect light and moist, rich, peaty soil. Avoid sudden temperature changes or drafts. Propagate by softwood cuttings
Here's what I found out about oyster plants.
DESCRIPTION: This is a native of the West Indies and Mexico. It is naturalized in southern Florida. It is grown as a house and greenhouse plant. R. discolor has tough, waxy, dark green leaves that are purple underneath. In the axils of the leaves, they produce small white flowers that are surrounded with two purple bracts making it look like a miniature boat, hence the name Moses-in-a-Boat. The flowers aren't really conspicuous and they stay open for only a few hours, but they bloom daily over a long period. There is a variety, R. discolor vittata, which has a pale yellow stripe running down the top of its leaves.
POTTING: This plant will survive in any good potting soil, preferably one that is rich and supplied with leaf mold, rotted manure, humus or other decayed organic matter. The pots need to have great drainage and the soil should be kept fairly moist. Plants that have a good supply of roots should be given applications of dilute liquid fertilizer. They love light and a little shade from the harshest summer sun and a temperature in between 60 and 70 degrees.
PROPAGATION: Cuttings can be taken any time, but preferably in the spring and inserted in a greenhouse propagating case or terrarium or under a bell jar in a window. Sand, vermiculite or peat moss are good for rooting these plants. Seeds can also be planted in a pot of light soil in 70- to 75-degree temperatures.
Growing Requirements for Armeria Plants
Slightly alkaline to acidic
Full sun to part shade
Don't fertilize until established
Likes to dry slightly between waterings
General Care:
Only needed if you notice die-off in the clump's center
Growing Sea Pink Plants from Seed
Soak Armeria seeds in warm water for 6-8 hours before sowing!
Sea Pink seeds can be sown in the garden during late spring and summer months, up until two months before the first frost.
Seeds that are started indoors, in early spring and kept at 60°-70° F. will germinate in two to three weeks and bloom the first year. |
New Zealand Brass Buttons Leptinella squalida |
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