Planting, Growing and Caring for a Mock Orange Shrub
Philadelphus virginalis
April 21,1998
Hi, I have a 5 year old mock orange that was about two feet tall when I planted it.
To date it has never bloomed. Always growing and healthy... simply does not bloom.
What can I do to get it to bloom besides fertilizing etc. which I have already consistantly done.
Mock Orange bushes, Philadelphus virginalis, are upright, multi branched,
deciduous shrubs that will grow up to 8 ft. tall and 6 ft. wide.
From early spring until the beginning of summer,
Mock Orange Trees will produce their fragrant, double or semi-double, creamy white flowers.
Growing Requirements for a Mock Orange tree
Mock Orange trees are hardy in USDA zones 3-9.
Mock Orange should be grown where they will receive full sun or light shade, except in hot summer regions, where they will require shade in the afternoon.
They will grow in almost any soil, but grow best when planted in moist, well-drained soil that has been supplemented with peat moss, leaf mold or compost.
Keep Mock Orange trees well watered during their growing season.
Mock Orange don't normally need feeding, however, if your plant seems to be lacking in performance,
it can be fed in early summer using a good Rose type fertilizer.
Pruning Mock Orange Trees
Probably the reason that your plant has not bloomed is a lack of, or from incorrect pruning.
Mock orange needs to be pruned immediately after flowering by cutting back the oldest, outer stems that have already bloomed.
Then remove any sucker growth and prune for shape.
Each cut should be made just above a strong, outer facing bud or new shoot.
Next years blooms will appear from these buds...
Propagating Mock Orange Shrubs
Mock Orange seeds should be sown directly in the garden in the spring.
Cuttings can be struck from hardwood (mature branches) in the fall, or softwood cuttings taken from branches or sucker growth that was removed during pruning in the summer.
New Mock Orange plants can also be propagated by layering, which is done by pegging the top of the stem to the ground, about 12" from the tip.
Once the 'layer' is well rooted you can sever the new start from the parent plant and replant it elsewhere. |
Mock Orange Philadelphus virginalis
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