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Removing and Transplanting English Ivy

Hedera helix

This plant requires or will tolerate shade during the heat of the dayThis plant may not tolerate any direct sunlightThis plant will tolerate some drought, but benefits from periodic wateringA photograph of Hedera helix is availableHow to Use the Plant Care Icons at The Garden Helper April 1,1998 Fratus wrote: WE RECENTLY PURCHASED A NEW HOME. IT IS SURROUNDED BY ENGLISH IVY. I WOULD LIKE TO GET RID OF MOST OF IT AND TRANSPLANT SOME TO A DIFFERENT AREA OF THE YARD. I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO DO EITHER, CAN YOU PLEASE HELP?
Ivy climbing a wall

Getting rid of your ivy won't be much of a problem, other than the labor involved to dig or pull it up. While you could use Roundup or a similar application to kill the plants off, you would still have the same task of removing the plants and roots. I resist the use of these poisons as much as possible, because of risks to the environment. Ivy is not likely to regrow from pieces of root which may be left in the soil after you have completed the task of removing the plants. As far as transplanting clumps of ivy to different places on your property, you can read the article I previously wrote on the subject in the garden helper, How to propagate and grow English Ivy to view only that subject.

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