How to Grow and Care for Violet Tubeflower Plants
Iochroma cyaneum
Violet Tubeflowers are shrubby, evergreen plants from the tropical areas of Central and South America. They are sometimes called Mini Brugs, because they resemble and are a close relative of Brugmansias. Violet Tubeflower plants grow 3-5 feet tall, with a spread of 2-4 feet. They have large, 5"-6" long, lance shaped, velvety greeen leaves. During the summer months and into early fall, they produce umbel-like, dangling clusters of up to 20, 2"-3", tubular, deep purple flowers.
Violet Tubeflowers are well adapted to growing in containers. They are an excellent addition to any Hummingbird Garden.
All parts of the Violet Tubeflower should be considered poisonous!
Growing Requirements for Violet Tubeflower Plants
Unfortunately, Violet Tubeflowers are only hardy in USDA zones 9-11.
In other areas they are grown as annual plants or in heated greenhouses.
Tubeflowers should be grown in a spot in the garden where they will receive full sun, except in hot summer regions, where they will need shade during the afternoon. You can plant your Violet Tubeflower in any reasonably rich garden soil, provided that it is well-drained.
Water regularly and thoroughly, especially during times of drought. Feed monthly while in active growth, using a soluble or slow release type, balanced fertilizer according to label directions.
Provide protection from cold or drying winds. Provide a heavy winter mulch.
Young Violet Tubeflower plants can be pruned lightly in the spring to promote bushiness. Established plants should be cut back hard after blooming and then pruned for shape in early spring.
Propagating Violet Tubeflower Plants and Growing them from Seed
Violet Tubeflowers can be propagated with cuttings taken early in the spring. Keep the rooting medium evenly moist, but never soggy! Keep your cuttings in a humid environment like a terrarium or indoor greenhouse at 75° until new roots form, then shift them to pots until it is time to move them to the garden, after all danger of frost has passed.
Sucker growths can be removed and replanted in the spring or summer months.
Violet Tubeflower seeds require light for germination, so do not cover them!
Tubeflower seeds are the most viable and fastest germinating when they are sown fresh. Stored seeds may take up to four times longer to germinate than freshly harvested ones.
Sow your seeds indoors in early spring, barely pressing them into the moistened, seed growing mix. Maintain a temperature in the growing medium of 65°-75° until germination which can begin in as little as a week.
Keep the growing mix barely moist. Violet Tubeflower seedlings will quickly perish if their roots are too wet.
Violet Tubeflower Iochroma cyaneum
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