Rhod. catawbiensis

Domed trusses of up to 20 cup shaped, purple or occasionally white or pink flowers in late spring to early summer. Glossy dark green, 6" leaves.
Grows to 10' tall and 8' wide.
USDA zones 4-9
Rhododendron impeditum
 Low growing, mounding dwarf Rhododendron with small, dark green, aromatic leaves. Small, bright purple, double flowers appear in mid spring.
Bronze Winter foliage
Grows to 1' tall x 1' wide.
USDA zones 5-9
Rhod. macrophyllum
 The Pacific Rhododendron has pale to deep pink, magenta or white flowers with reddish flecks in trusses of 10-15 blooms in May in the lowlands or July at higher elevations. Glossy dark green, 6-8" leaves. Tolerant of drought, heat and sea spray
Grows to 10' tall and wide.
USDA zones 6-9
Rhododendron rex

Ball-shaped trusses of 12-30 white flowers flushed with pink in mid spring. Large leaves that grow up to 14" long have dark cinnamon colored undersides.
Grows to 5' tall x 5' wide.
USDA zones 7-9
Rhododendron 'Blitz'

Deep red trumpet shaped flowers in trusses of 10-14 blooms in late May.
Grows to 5' tall x 5' wide.
USDA zones 5-9
'Blue Jay'

Large, domed trusses of 12-15 pale lavender-blue flowers with a distinctive dark purple blotch from late May through June. Large, bright olive-green leaves. Heat and sun tolerant. Grows to 5'-7' tall x 5' wide
USDA zones 6-9
'Fastuosum Flore Pleno'

Developed in 1846, this is one of the few Rhododendrons that have double flowers. The long lasting, deep lavender flowers appear in trusses of 8-15 blooms in May.
Grows 6' tall x 8' wide.
Hardy in USDA zones 5-8
'Fred G. Peste'
 Cardinal red blooms with deep red throats in trusses of 14 funnel shaped flowers. 3½" olive green leaves.
Grows to 2' tall x 3' wide.
USDA zones 7-9
'Honey Butter'
 Large, pinkish-yellow flowers are edged with pink, in domed trusses of 12-20 blooms in late May. Olive green, 5½ leaves.
Grows to 3' tall x 3' wide.
USDA zones 7-9
'Janet Blair'
 Tall, domed trusses of 13-15 funnel shaped, frilly edged, pale pink, fragrant flowers with golden rays on the upper lobe, in late May to early June. Large, oval, dark green leaves. Grows to 6ft. tall and wide.
USDA zones 5-9
x Kaempferi

Silver Sword Azaleas produce loose trusses of 5-6 bright pink flowers that change to red cover the variegated silvery green foliage in early spring.
Grows to 3' tall x 5' wide.
USDA zones 6-9

Trusses of 3-5 rosy pink, bell shaped flowers in late April to early May. Medium green, 3"-4" leaves.
Grows to 3' tall and 5' wide.
USDA zones 7-9
'Manda Sue'
 Trusses of 12-14, funnel shaped, 2" pearly white to light pink flowers with scalloped, pink to red edges that fade to white with age. Blooms in mid May to early June. Flat, 3½" to 4" long, light green foliage. Grows to 4ft. tall and wide.
USDA zones 7-9
'Nancy Evans'
 New, reddish foliage turns to a bronzed green. Orange buds open to golden peach colored, funnel shaped flowers in bell shaped trusses of 15-20 blooms in late May.
Grows to 3' tall x 3' wide.
USDA zones 7-9
'Nova Zembla'
 Bright red, slightly ruffled flowers with burgundy blotches emerge in ball shaped trusses of 12-15 blossoms to adorn this mid-May bloomer. 6" leaves are a glossy, deep green. Grows to 5' tall x 6' wide.
USDA zones 4-9
'Olga Mezitt'
 Domed trusses of 10-12 soft pink, funnel shaped flowers open in early May. Two inch, olive green leaves turn to a nice mahogany color in the winter months.
Grows to 3' tall x 4' wide.
USDA zones 5-9
'Percy Wiseman'
 Ball shaped truss of 13-15, funnel shaped, 2" pastel peach colored flowers that fade to a creamy white with a yellow center with age. Glossy, dark green, 3" foliage. Blooms from mid to late May. Grows to 3' tall and 4'wide.
USDA zones 6-9
'PJM Compacta'
 Rounded trusses of 10-12, lightly fragrant pink flowers cover the entire plant in early spring. Dark green foliage turns to bronzed mahogany in the winter.
Grows 3-4 ft. tall and wide.
USDA zones 4-9
'Polynesian Sunset'

Flattened 6" x 8" trusses of 10-12, 3" funnel shaped flowers in shades of orange, peach and apricot. Slightly twisted, moss green, 5" x 1½" foliage.
Blooms late May to early June. Grows to 4' tall and 5'wide.
USDA zones 5-9
'President Roosevelt'
 Known for its glossy, deep green foliage with bold yellow variegation. Branches break easily. Needs protection from full sun in the afternoon. Trusses of 5-11 white flowers edged and flushed in bright red. Blooms in May
Grows to 4' tall and wide.
USDA zones 7-9
'Purple Splendour'

Ruffled, dark purple flowers with black blotching in domed trusses of 15 blooms in late May.
Grows to 5' tall x 5' wide.
USDA zones 6-9.

A dwarf Rhododendron with compact growing habit produces large domed trusses of 8-10 lavender flowers in late spring. Prefers cooler regions.
Grows to 3' tall x 4' wide.
USDA zones 4-8

Bright pink buds open to pale yellow flowers that fade to cream appear in trusses of 11-15 blooms in late April to early May.
Grows to 4' tall x 4' wide.
USDA zone 6-9

Low growing, mounding miniature Rhododendron with bright yellow flowers appearing in early May.
Reddish-bronze winter foliage.
Grows to 1' tall x 1' wide.
USDA zones 7-9