How to Grow and Care for Your Treasure Flower
Gazania hybrids
The Treasure Flower's daisy-like flowers are 2-5 inches in diameter, growing atop 6-12 inch stalks.
Gazania flowers are brightly bi-colored combinations of orange, pink, red, white, cream, or yellow.
The foliage is somewhat grasslike, but narrow at the base and widening toward the tip. |
Growing Requirements for Treasure Flowers
The Treasure Flower is a clump growing annual plant that is very drought tolerant, once established.
Treasure Flowers should be planted 8-12" apart in full sun, in light, well draining sandy soil.
Water your Gazania plants thoroughly, but allow the soil to dry slightly before re-watering.
The Treasure Flower's foliage should be allowed to dry before nightfall,
to prevent fungal disease.
Feed every two weeks from early summer through mid-fall (blooming season) with a good all-purpose (10-10-10) liquid fertilizer.
Remove the spent blooms promptly to promote continued new flowers.
Treasure Flowers close at night, and will not open on cloudy days. |
Growing Gazanias as House Plants
Treasure Flowers can also be potted up and grown as a house plant.
Grow near a window where your plant will receive full sun, and cool 60° nights.
Allow the soil to dry completely before watering!
Growing Treasure Flower plants from Seed
Gazanias can be grown from seed sown directly in the garden after all frost danger has passed.
Start Treasure Flower seeds indoors 4-6 weeks before the last frost date.
Gazania seeds will germinate more readily if they are kept in complete darkness.
Cover the pots (or tray) with a few layers of newspaper and maintain a soil temperature of 68°-85°
Germination will occur in 8-14 days.
Once the majority of seeds have sprouted, remove the cover and move your plants to a sunny window.
Thin and transplant the seedlings when the first 'true' leaves appear.
Plant outdoors after all danger of frost has passed. |
Treasure Flower Gazania
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