Yes, this is a great place to learn how to grow a garden!

Hi!! I'm Wild Willy... I am one of the many Gnomes who work here at Cedar Hill, creating and maintaining the many gardens and landscape features that are here for our visitors. I'll be here to help you find your way around The Garden Helper so you can locate the information and help that you came here for as quickly as possible.
For over a decade we have been working to create hundreds of guides and web pages to show you how to care for specific plants and groupings of plants, as well as how to use natural hard scape materials to beautify your landscape! We have tried to categorize these pages by different criteria to narrow down where the best help may be.
Links are also provided to Related Forums to provide access to our vast member-base knowledge pool on particular subjects.
The buttons on the left will transport you to the primary topic directories where you will find sub-topic directories and links to specific topics. Mouse over each button to get a brief description of what you will find on each sub-directory or page.
The Search box at the top of each page is keyed to search the pages of The Garden Helper and The Gardener's Forum before including pages from the rest of the internet, so you won't even have to leave the site.
(Some people wandered in here years ago, and never left!)
If you are ever lost, just poke a Gnome and he will be sure you get right back here!
At the top of the right column, you will see an RSS Feed of the most recent topics of interest from The Gardener's Forum Click any of the topic feeds to read the full text.
You will also find that we have accumulated a massive collection of "stuff and things" which includes thousands of wallpaper photographs, family favorite recipes, free screensavers and much more!
Take some time and go explore The Garden Helper. You'll be glad you did!